You don't... The teeth get in the way... If your going to kiss someone with buck teeth my recommendation is to not french kiss he might accidentally bite down on you tongue...
Because her two front teeth stuck out so much so they were called "buck teeth".
Yes she does
kristen stewart from twilight
yes jessica Alba did have buck teeth in her childhood, but oviously had gotten them fixed . LUCKY GIRL!!!!
Chip has a black nose and two centered protruding teeth. Dale on the other hand has a red nose and two buck teeth.
it means buck teeth boy who never brushs his teeth
no they dont have buck teeth
He got buck teeth.
Buck is a boy
When you have buck teeth it means that you have 2 top teeth that hang over the bottom teeth. Most people call it a over bite. But don't worrier most people have buck teeth and it can be fixed.
alyson hannigan has buck teeth and so does jessica simpson and even lady gaga!. Buck teeth is like the kind of teeth you would see a rabbit have. Type in 'Buck Teeth' on google and you will see what I mean. My teacher assistant has this type of teeth, she looks like a mixed human and rabbit! There are even buck teeth placifiers for babies too!!
Buck Teeth
Teeth :D
Yes you can kiss a boy if you are a boy
Because her two front teeth stuck out so much so they were called "buck teeth".
First use in English; 1550, from buck(ed), perhaps on the notion of "kicking up." In French, buck teeth are called dents à l'anglaise, literally, "English teeth."
Buck Teeth.