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You don't get rid of team Rocket until after you beat the elite four, and still then you have trouble with them. I'm sorry, I can't describe how to, because it's a really long process, but eventually you'll get to that part.

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13y ago

First, you have to have beaten the Pokemon Tower.

Secondly, you have to have given the guards some Tea.

Then, all you have to do is defeat Giovanni on the top floor of Silph Co.

By the way, you receive a master ball as a prize if you win.
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14y ago

Talk to the old man named Kurt in the top left house of Azalea town. He will then go to the Slowpoke Well. Follow him there and defeat Team Rocket, this will allow you to fight the gym leader Bugsy.

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14y ago

You have to defeat Giovanni(team rockets boss).

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11y ago

Team Rocket will be based in Silph Co at Saffron City and to disband them from the area you must defeat there boss Giovanni who is on the 11th Floor of the building.

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13y ago

catch or beat moltres.

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Q: How do you get team rocket out of saffron town on Pokemon FireRed?
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go to lavender town,go to the tower,beat your rival,get to the top of the tower,save the old man from team rocket. THEN go back,the guard is sleeping,go inside and beat team rocket.

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Yes, Team Rocket is on the top floor of the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town.

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Team Rocket

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You have to defeat Koga or the Ghost tower, I think.

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All you have to do is get to saffron city and beat team rocket at silph co, the masterball is no cheat, but be very cautious of how you use it, for you only get it once in the game

How do you get masterballs in Pokemon FireRed?

You get the masterball when you go and defeat Team rocket