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Do you have a Shinx, Luxio, or Luxray? If you don't, get one in Sandgem Town grass. If you do, go to Veilstone city. There, you can go to the Super Pokemart. In the Super Pokemart, you can get some T.M.'s. Get the move 'Thunder' and give it to your Shinx/Luxio/Luxray. If your Pokemon is a Shinx, you'll be better off training it before giving it the T.M. Shinx Evolve at Lvl. 16, and Luxio evolve at Lvl. 31. Luxray usually don't die in one hit if it is level 35 or over. Another way to beat Wake is that you could get a Goldeen. When it evolves into Seaking, it learns Horn Drill. It is a one hit KO to any Pokemon unless it is totally un-effective. Hopes it works!

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13y ago

you could gain his level to 52 and you can beat him then

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Q: How do you get past crasher wake with the Pokemon Infernape?
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How do you I get past Crasher Wake with fire Pokemon?

You don't. Go get an electric pokemon.

How do you get to crasher wake on Pokemon pearl?

Go to the pastoria gym

What is the best Pokemon to use against crasher wake?

The best Pokemon to use against Crasher Wake is any Electric type. It's recommended to have a Grass type as backup and to help deal with his Quagsire who is four times weak against Grass.

How do you see Fantina the alluring soulful dancer in her gym on Pokemon Diamond?

You have to compete in a contest and then go beat crasher wake in Pastoria City.

How do you battle crasher wake on Pokemon SoulSilver?

No, he can only be seen in the Celadon Deptartment store, and will give you a mask. You cannot battle him.

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How do you I get past Crasher Wake with fire Pokemon?

You don't. Go get an electric pokemon.

Weres is crasher wake in on Pokemon platinum?

crasher wake is in pastoria city

Where is crasher wake on Pokemon Platinum?

Crasher Wake is in the very back of his gym in Pastoria City. He is a user of Water-Type Pokemon.

Can you battle maylene and crasher wake in Pokemon HeartGold?

No, you can't battle Maylene and/or Crasher Wake in Heartgold.

What pokemon does wake have?

You ment crasher wake from pokemon he has gyarados,floatzel, and quagsire. thats it

How do you get to crasher wake i n Pokemon platinum?

its ez

What are Crasher Wake's Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

garidose,flotazel and quaza.esey pesey

What level is Crasher Wake's Pokemon at in Pokemon platinum?

29 32 31

Can you fight crasher wake in Pokemon soul silver?


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How do you get to crasher wake on Pokemon pearl?

Go to the pastoria gym

Which gym is fantina in in Pokemon Diamond?

Go to Hearthome City. Although first you have to beat Mayleen and Crasher Wake. After that you can challenge her. You don't have to beat Mayleen and Crasher Wake in Pokemon Platinum. -