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Well first you follow the Claydol on the Right and go to the gaped area where you'll see a Dusknoir statue. Stay there until the Claydol comes back. after that follow another Claydol until you see a tiny gap on the side. Go to the bottom of the gap where it won't find you. Next follow another one until you see a pathway, now go down it and hide in the gap on the right. Now look on the far right and watch as the claydol switch places and now make your approach to the doorway. Now that's how I dealt with them on the first try.

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Q: How do you get past claydol in oblivia ruins in Pokemon ranger?
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Is claydol rare?

Yes it is. The only way to get it is if you pick the claw fossil in the desert ruins and then go to rustboro city where the company deford are. You talk to a scientist who says he is working on resurrecting Pokemon from fossil remains. If you selected the claw fossil and gave it to him-he will give you a Pokemon which evolves into a claydol.

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glad you asked. glaceon on mt sorbet leafeon in sky fortress umbreon in oblivia ruins behind the silver falls espeon and eevee in haunted mansion vaporeon at the end of the canal ruins flareon on faldera volcano jolteon at the top of the power plant some of these are hard to catch but we enjoyed catching them. gd luck