If you have another friend who has a chikorita on their game and is willing to trade it...
OR, at the very beggening of the game Prof. Elm give you the choice of 3 starter Pokemon - Chickorita, Totadile, and Cyndaquil.
Chikorita evolves into Bayleef at level 16.Bayleef evolves into Meganium at level 32.my chikarita evolved at level one
cyndaquil p.s. Pikachu is NOT a starter. chikorita is.
You can get Chikorita in Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Emerald.
i could give you a chikorita if you give me a cyndaquil. i just need the time and date we could do this. my friend code: 5243 1272 4246
Either have it as a starter in Pokemon Gold, Silver, Crystal, Soul Silver, or Heart Gold. In Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed you'll need to trade a Pokemon for it. Also in Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald. In Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum you have to trade a Pokemon for it. Hope this helps!
No, Chikorita is a grass type pokemon.
Cyndaquil, Totodile, and Chikorita.
chikorita,cyndaquil, totodile
You can't catch chikorita so have a friend trade you one.
your rival Heart if you picked a totodile your rival has a chikorita
cyndaquil, tododile and chikorita.
cyndaquil, chikorita, and totodile
chikorita, totodile or cyndaquil
There is not a trainer in soul silver that has a chikorita.
Everytime its a boy turn off the game until its a girl when you choose chikorita.
Chikorita - Bayleef lvl 16 Bayleef - Meganium lvl 32
Chikorita is a starter pokémon in Silver, Gold, Crystal, Heart Gold and Soul Silver. If the games are compatible you can trade a Chikorita from one of those games to your own. I don't believe you can get a Chikorita in the wild.