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After you get the Rumble Badge from Korrina, you'll have to go to the Tower of Mastery near Shalour City and she will give you a Lucario holding the Lucarionite.

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Q: How do you get Lucarionite in Pokemon X and Y?
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What Mega Stones are unavailable in Pokemon X and Y?

So far there have only been 6 named Mega Stones: Lucarionite, Blazikenite, Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y, Charizardite X, and Charizardite Y. Lucarionite is the only one listed prior that can be obtained through normal gameplay in both games. Blazikenite must be obtained through an event, which begins on October 12 and lasts until January 15, 2014. Mewtwonite X and Charizardite X can be obtained only in Pokemon X, and Mewtwonite Y and Charizardite Y can only be obtained in Pokemon Y. Mega Stones can be traded between these two games.

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Pokemon X and Y are sold at MSRP of $39.99 (CAD)

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Prof. Sycamore will give you the oval charm in Pokemon X and Y.

What Pokemon are capable of learning Psywave as an Egg Move in Pokemon X and Y?

Pokemon capable of learning Psywave as an Egg Move in Pokemon X and Y are Latios (Pokemon) and Gastly (Pokemon).

How do you get Lucario in Pokemon Y?

You can get Lucario from Korrina in the Tower of Mastery, near Shalour City. It will be holding its Mega Stone, Lucarionite, which enables you to Mega Evolve it. You need to get the Gym Badge from Korrina first, though.Alternatively, Riolu can be caught in Route 22.

How do you get mu in Pokemon X and y?

*Mew is not catchable in Pokemon x and y, but you can get him online from wondertrades and such. Mewtwo however, is catchable and you can find him in the cave in pokemon village.

Which Pokemon is stronger X or Y?

I believe X is stronger, but Y looks cooler.

How do you get x and y Pokemon in white 2?

You can't a pokemon from x or y version into pokemon b,w,b2,w2 because mega evoulution,new pokemon and the new type, fairy,but you can put pokemon from b,w,b2,w2 into x and y using pokemon bank and pokemon transport

How much is Pokemon Y at target?

The MSRP of Pokemon Y or X is $39.99 (CAD/USD)