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FND stands for friendship, you can check friendship in the menu. To gain Fnd you need to complete certain quests to gain their fnd, or you can talk to them a lot. Fnd are the three hearts above the Stress meter, the more filled it is ( orange inside ) , the more fnd it has.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

just defeat beast type Digimon

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Q: How do you gain FND exp in Digimon World ds?
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What does EX 44444 mean in Digimon World Dusk?

It means how high your digimon's exp is.

How do you increase the dark exp of a digifarm in digimon world ds?

To increase the dark exp of a Digifarm in Digimon World DS, you need to assign Digimon with dark type attributes to the farm. These Digimon will passively generate dark exp over time. Additionally, you can use items such as Dark Experience Chips to boost the dark exp gained by the Digimon on the farm. Finally, ensuring that the Digifarm is upgraded and has appropriate facilities will also help increase the dark exp gained.

How do you get Magnadramon in Digimon World Dusk?

Lilymon+Lilamon lv. 60+, Holy exp. 22000+, Dragon exp. 11000+

Why won't my Digimon gain exp and won't digivolve?

A Digimon that reached its max capacity will not grow further. To increase said capacity you must degenerate your Digimon and train to evolve it back, then it will be able to reach a higher level next time before hitting the cap.

How do you get exp in Digimon dawn?

battling other digimon seems to work. (simple, yet effective.)

What do they mean by BST 700 in Digimon World - dawn?

In this game Digimon are divided into classifications like Insect, Holy, Dark, Dragon, and others. BST is short for Beast. BST 700 means you must get 700 exp points battling Beast Digimon.

Does anyone have Digimon Dawn and Dusk egg list?

01. Red DigiEgg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Hatching Requirements: Dragon EXP 100+ Hatched Digimon: Koromon, Gigimon, Chicomon, Agumon 02. Brown DigiEgg (Beast) Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+ Hatched Digimon: Tsunomon, Dorimon, Wanyamon, Gaomon 03. Blue DigiEgg (Aquan) Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+ Hatched Digimon: Poyomon, Otamamon, Syakomon, Kamemon 04. Skyblue DigiEgg (Bird) Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+ Hatched Digimon: Tokomon, Biyomon, Penmon, Falcomon 05. Green DigiEgg (Insect/Plant) Required Digimon 1: Insect/Plant Digimon Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+ Hatched Digimon: Tanemon, Budmon, Minomon, Raramon 06. Grey DigiEgg (Machine) Required Digimon 1: Machine Digimon Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+ Hatched Digimon: Kapurimon, PawnChessmonWH, PawnChessmonBK, Gotsumon 07. Purple DigiEgg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+ Hatched Digimon: Pagumon, Botamon, Chocomon/Kokomon, Tsukaimon 08. Pink DigiEgg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Hatching Requirements: EXP 100+ Hatched Digimon: Gummymon, Puttomon, Kudamon, Plotmon/Salamon 09. Claw Patterned Egg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon Lv15+ Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+ Hatching Requirements: Dragon EXP 200+ Hatched Digimon: Agumon, Guilmon, Veemon, DORUmon 10. Fang Patterned Egg (Beast) Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon Lv15+ Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+ Hatching Requirements: Beast EXP 200+ Hatched Digimon: Gabumon, Gaomon, Terrirmon, Monodramon 11. Sea Patterned Egg (Aquan) Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon Lv15+ Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+ Hatching Requirements: Aquan EXP 200+ Hatched Digimon: SnowAgumon, Betamon, SnowGoburimon, Kotemon 12. Cloud Patterned Egg (Bird) Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon Lv15+ Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+ Hatching Requirements: Bird EXP 200+ Hatched Digimon: Hawkmon, Biyomon, Muchomon, Tentomon 13. Forest Patterned Egg (Insect/Plant) Required Digimon 1: Insect/Plant Digimon Lv15+ Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+ Hatching Requirements: Insect/Plant EXP 200+ Hatched Digimon: Wormmon, Mushroomon, Alraunemon, Penmon 14. Mecha Patterned Egg (Machine) Required Digimon 1: Machine Digimon Lv15+ Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+ Hatching Requirements: Machine EXP 200+ Hatched Digimon: Gotsumon, ToyAgumon, ToyAgumonB, Kamemon 15. Evil Patterned Egg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon Lv15+ Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+ Hatching Requirements: Dark EXP 200+ Hatched Digimon: PicoDevimon, Impmon, Keramon, Renamon 16. Holy Patterned Egg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon Lv15+ Required Digimon 2: Any Digimon Lv15+ Hatching Requirements: Holy EXP 200+ Hatched Digimon: Kudamon, Plotmon/Salamon ,Tapirmon, Lopmon 17. Dragon DigiEgg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon LV25+ Required Digimon 2: Dragon Digimon LV25+ Hatching Requirements: Atk 145+, Dragon EXP 400+ Hatched Digimon: Monochromon, Growlmon, DORUgamon 18. Beast DigiEgg (Beast) Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon LV25+ Required Digimon 2: Beast Digimon LV25+ Hatching Requirements: Speed 115+, Beast EXP 400+ Hatched Digimon: Hanumon, Wendigomon, MudFrigimon, Dinohumon 19. Aquan DigiEgg (Aquan) Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon LV25+ Required Digimon 2: Aquan Digimon LV25+ Hatching Requirements: Spirit 120+, Aquan EXP 400+ Hatched Digimon: Dolphmon, IceDevimon, Coelamon, Hookmon 20. Bird DigiEgg (Bird) Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon LV25+ Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon LV25+ Hatching Requirements: Speed 120+, Bird EXP 400+ Hatched Digimon: Saberdramon, Peckmon, Kiwimon, Sunflowmon 21. Insect/Plant DigiEgg (Insect/Plant) Required Digimon 1: Insect/Plant Digimon LV25+ Required Digimon 2: Insect/Plant Digimon LV25+ Hatching Requirements: Defense 125+, Insect/Plant EXP 400+ Hatched Digimon: Togemon, Kuwagamon, Kabuterimon, Kiwimon 22. Machine DigiEgg (Machine) Required Digimon 1: Machine Digimon LV25+ Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon LV25+ Hatching Requirements: Defense 145+, Machine EXP 400+ Hatched Digimon: Clockmon, Thunderballmon, Deputymon, Gwappamon 23. Dark DigiEgg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon LV25+ Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon LV25+ Hatching Requirements: Attack 145+, Dark EXP 400+ Hatched Digimon: Devimon, Chrysalimon/Kurisarimon, DarkRizamon, Sorcerymon 24. Holy DigiEgg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon LV25+ Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon LV25+ Hatching Requirements: Spirit 125+, Holy EXP 400+ Hatched Digimon: Angemon, Tailmon/Gatomon, Starmon, Wizardmon 25. Dragon's Egg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: Greymon Required Digimon 2: Dragon Digimon that is at Lv25+ Hatching Requirements: Lv15, Dragon EXP 500+ Hatched Digimon: DORUgremon, Triceramon, Vermillimon 26. Nature's Egg (Beast) Required Digimon 1: Ogremon Required Digimon 2: Beast Digimon with over 30 Apt Hatching Requirements: Lv12, Beast EXP 800+ Hatched Digimon: WereGarurumon, Kyukimon, Pandamon 27. Deep Egg (Aquan) Required Digimon 1: Ikkakkumon Required Digimon 2: Aquan Digimon with over 450 HP Hatching Requirements: HP 300+, Water EXP 800+ Hatched Digimon: Shaujinmon, Divermon, Brachiomon 28. Wind Egg (Bird) Required Digimon 1: Aquilamon Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon with over 140 Spd Hatching Requirements: Speed 170+, Bird EXP 800+ Hatched Digimon: Garudamon, Sinduramon, Silphymon 29. Jungle Egg (Insect/Plant) Required Digimon 1: Sunflowmon Required Digimon 2: Insect/Plant Digimon with over 800 MP Hatching Requirements: MP 300+, Insect/Plant EXP 800+ Hatched Digimon: AlturKabuterimonRed, Arachnemon/Arukenimon, Cherrymon 30. Metal Egg (Machine) Required Digimon 1: Guardromon Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon with over 130 Def Hatching Requirements: Def 180+, Machine EXP 800+ Hatched Digimon: BishopChessmon, RookChessmon, Meteormon 31. Nightmare Egg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Vilemon Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon with over 150 Spr Hatching Requirements: Spirit 160+, Dark EXP 800+ Hatched Digimon: Vamdemon, SkullGreymon, LadyDevimon 32. Busters Egg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Angemon Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon with over 150 Atk Hatching Requirements: Attack 190+, Holy EXP 800+ Hatched Digimon: Taomon, Qilinmon, HolyAngemon/MagnaAngemon 33. DB Half-Egg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon at LV45+ Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon at Lv45+ Hatching Requirements: Dragon & Bird EXP at 1500+ each Hatched Digimon: ImperialdramonDM, ImperialdramonDB, Valkyriemon 34. BI Half-Egg (Beast) Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon at Lv45+ Required Digimon 2: Insect/Plant Digimon at Lv45+ Hatching Requirements: Beast & Insect/Plant EXP at 1500+ Each Hatched Digimon: MetalGarurumon, GranKuwagamon, MetalEtemon 35. WA Half-Egg (Aquan) Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon at Lv45+ Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv45+ Hatching Requirements: Aquan & Holy EXP at 1500+ each Hatched Digimon: Plesiomon, Anubimon/Anubismon, Vikemon 36. DM Half-Egg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon at Lv45+ Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon at Lv45+ Hatching Requirements: Dark & Machine EXP at 1500+ each Hatched Digimon: Deathmon/Ghoulmon, HiAndromon, BelialVamdemon/MaloMyotismon 37. Gold DigiEgg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon at Lv60+ Required Digimon 2: Dragon Digimon at Lv60+ Hatching Requirements: HP 600+, Dragon EXP 5000+ Hatched Digimon: WarGreymon, BlackWarGreymon, ImperialdramonFM, ImperialdramonPM 38. Silver DigiEgg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon at Lv60+ Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv60+ Hatching Requirements: Speed 220+, Holy EXP 5000+ Hatched Digimon: Gallantmon, GallantmonCM, SlashAngemon, Knightmon 39. Kabuto Egg (Insect/Plant) Required Digimon 1: AlturKabuterimonRed Required Digimon 2: Ookuwamon Hatching Requirements: Def 230+, Ins/Plant EXP 3000+ Hatched Digimon: HeracleKabuterimon/HerculesKabuterimon, GranKuwagamon, Kongoumon, Tentomon 40. Rainbow Egg (Bird) Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon @ Lv50+ Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon @ Lv50+ Hatching Requirements: Bird EXP 6000+ Hatched Digimon: Phoenixmon, Eaglemon, Valdurmon, Gryphomon 41. Chrono Egg (Bird) Required Digimon 1: ChronomonHM Required Digimon 2: Bird Digimon at Lv50+ Hatching Requirements: Holy & Bird EXP at 2500+ each Hatched Digimon: ChronomonHM, Chicchimon, Digitamamon 42. Chaos Egg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Deathmon/Ghoulmon Required Digimon 2: DeathmonB/GhoulmonB Hatching Requirements: Def 230+, Dark EXP 5000+ Hatched Digimon: ChaosGallantmon, Devitamamon, Piedmon, Chaosmon 43. Pail Egg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: XVmon/ExVeemon Required Digimon 2: Stingmon Hatching Requirements: Dragon & Ins/Plant EXP at 300+ each Hatched Digimon: Paildramon, Dinobeemon, Exveemon/XVmon, Stingmon 44. Royal Egg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Holy Digimon at Lv90+ Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv90+ Hatching Requirements: Attack 300+, Holy EXP 10000+ Hatched Digimon: Omnimon/Omegamon, Alphamon, Sleipmon, Duftmon 45. Baby Egg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Apollomon Required Digimon 2: Dianamon Hatching Requirements: Holy & Dark EXP at 100+ each Hatched Digimon: Sunmon, Moonmon 46. Hero Egg (Machine) Required Digimon 1: Digimon with 1200+ HP & Cool personality Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon at Lv40+ Hatching Requirements: HP 450+ Hatched Digimon: Justimon, SuperStarmon, GrappLeomon 47. Angel Egg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: HolyAngemon/MagnaAngemon Lv50+ Required Digimon 2: Angewomon Lv50+ Hatching Requirements: Spirit 220+, Holy EXP 8000+ Hatched Digimon: Seraphimon, Ophanimon, Cherubimon (Good) 48. Savers Egg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: Lv60+ Digimon Required Digimon 2: Lv60+ Digimon Hatching Requirements: Egg is at Lv30+ Hatched Digimon: ShineGreymon, MirageGaogamon, Rosemon, Ravemon 49. Aqua Egg (Aquan) Required Digimon 1: Aquan Digimon at Lv50+ Required Digimon 2: Aquan Digimon at Lv50+ Hatching Requirements: Aquan EXP 6000+ Hatched Digimon: Neptunmon, MetalSeadramon, MarineAngemon, JumboGamemon 50. Tusk Egg (Beast) Required Digimon 1: Beast Digimon at Lv60+ Required Digimon 2: Beast Digimon at Lv60+ Hatching Requirements: Beast EXP 6000+ Hatched Digimon: BantyoLeomon/BanchouLeomon, SaberLeomon, SkullMammothmon, MetalGarurumon 51. Machine Egg (Machine) Required Digimon 1: Machine Digimon at Lv60+ Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon at Lv60+ Hatching Requirements: Machine EXP 6000+ Hatched Digimon: Puppetmon, Machinedramon, Ebemon, Boltmon 52. Demon Egg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon at Lv75+ Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon at Lv75+ Hatching Requirements: Attack 290+, Dark EXP 10000+ Hatched Digimon: Daemon/Creepymon, Beelzemon, Lilithmon, LucemonCM 53. Calamity Egg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Dark Digimon with 40+ Aptitude Required Digimon 2: Infermon Hatching Requirements: Dark EXP 300+ Hatched Digimon: Kuramon, Tsumemon, Armageddemon 54. Wafuu Egg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Bird Digimon with 300+ Spirit Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv50+ Hatching Requirements: Spirit 200+, Tallied Species EXP 8000+ Hatched Digimon: Susanoomon, Shakkoumon, Karatenmon, Kabukimon 55. Kaizer Egg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon at Lv40+ Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon at Lv40+ Hatching Requirements: Lv15+, Dark EXP 1200+ Hatched Digimon: Kimeramon, SkullGreymon, Airdramon 56. Millenia Egg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Machinedramon Required Digimon 2: Kimeramon Hatching Requirements: Spirit 250+, Dark EXP 8000+ Hatched Digimon: Milleniumon, Moon=Milleniumon, ZeedMilleniumon 57. Heroine Egg (Insect/Plant) Required Digimon 1: Digimon with 1200+ MP & an Obedient personality Required Digimon 2: Insect/Plant Digimon Hatching Requirements: 500+ MP Hatched Digimon: Lotusmon, Sakuyamon, Minervamon, Lilymon 58. Black Coloured Egg (Bird) Required Digimon 1: Saberdramon Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon at Lv30+ Hatching Requirements: Lv15+ Hatched Digimon: Kuzuhamon, Saberdramon, Kokuwamon, BomberNanimon 59. Shiny Gold Egg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Pharaohmon Required Digimon 2: Machine Digimon at Lv40+ Hatching Requirements: Lv25+, Holy EXP 7000+ Hatched Digimon: Magnamon, PrinceMamemon, Pharaohmon 60. Chaosmon Egg (Holy) Required Digimon 1: Darkdramon Required Digimon 2: BantyoLeomon/BanchouLeomon Hatching Requirements: Tallied Species EXP 9000+ Hatched Digimon: Chaosmon, BantyoLeomon, Darkdramon, Valdurmon 61. Gunner Egg (Machine) Required Digimon 1: Deputymon at Lv40+ Required Digimon 2: Dark Digimon at Lv50+ Hatching Requirements: Attack at 200+ Atk Hatched Digimon: Beelzemon Blast Mode, Deputymon, Mummymon, Cannondramon 62. Deva Egg (Dark) Required Digimon 1: Antylamon at Lv45+ Required Digimon 2: Beast Digimon at Lv45+ Hatching Requirements: Beast & Dark EXP at 1500+ each Hatched Digimon: Antylamon, Vajramon, Sinduramon 63. High-Dragon's Egg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: Dragon Digimon at Lv 65+ Required Digimon 2: Holy Digimon at Lv 65+ Hatching Requirements: Dragon EXP 8000+ Hatched Digimon: Goddramon/Goldramon, Holydramon/Magnadramon, Megiddramon, Darkdramon 64. Burst Egg (Dragon) Required Digimon 1: ShineGreymon Burst Mode at Lv70+ Required Digimon 2: MirageGaogamon Burst Mode at Lv70+ Hatching Requirements: Lv40+ Hatched Digimon: ShineGreymon Burst Mode, MirageGaogamon Burst Mode, Rosemon Burst Mode, Ravemon Burst Mode

How do you get valkyrimon in Digimon dusk?

To get Valkyrimon in Digimon Dusk you need to digivolve an Silphymon at lv 52 AND 50,000 HOLY EXP BY:Richard Wandri To get Valkyrimon in Digimon Dusk you need to digivolve an Silphymon at lv 52 AND 50,000 HOLY EXP BY:Richard Wandri

How do you get ommimon in Digimon World dusk?

you have to have metalgarurumon and wargrey at a certain level (around 64) sometimes with a certain amount a exp. and then you DNA digivolve them!

How do you get shoutmon in Digimon World Dusk?

just dna giulmon and toy agumon both max level and 2000 dragon and machine exp.

When does Solarmon Digivolve to Clock Mon in Digimon World Dusk?

Get solarmon to level 33 with a minimum aptitude of 40 and it has to have 6000 machine exp

How do you know when your digimon is ready to armordigivolve?

Check the amount of EXP required to level.