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point to each people as you say Mickey Mouse pee-ed in a house what color was it? what ever person t point to says a color spell out the word as you point your out when you end if its you

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Q: How do you do micky mouse peeed in a house?
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What countries are in tropical?

micky mouse is in the tropical savana micky mouse is in the tropical savana micky mouse is in the tropical savana

What countries are savannas in?

micky mouse is in the tropical savana micky mouse is in the tropical savana micky mouse is in the tropical savana

What show says bye bye at the end?

micky mouse club house

Who is Minnie Mouse to micky mouse?

She is his girlfriend .

Who was the first man make micky mouse?

the walt disney was the first man to make micky mouse

Are Mickey Mouse toys available online?

Yes, Mickey Mouse toys are available online. Mickey Mouse is a Icon of Disney Corporation and a very popular one at that. There are a variety of Mickey Mouse toys available for purchase online such as Mickey Mouse plush toys, Micky Mouse hats, Micky Mouse stuffed animals, Micky Mouse puzzles, Micky Mouse figurines, etc.

How do you draw micky mouse?

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What was Walt Disney going to name micky mouse first?

Walt was going to call Micky Mortimer Mouse.

What kind of mouse?

Danger mouse, jerry mouse, micky mouse... take your pick!

What does micky mouse eat?

he eats cheese he's a mouse

Where can you get information on Micky Mouse?

the internet

Is micky mouse dead?

yes he is