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You catch Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave. The cave is very long and puzzling and will require much searching to find him. Mewtwo is located in the very end of the maze.

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11y ago

go to India then come to shaba bua sanga ghopi cjh

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12y ago

You're going to have to beat the Elite 4, and then go to Mewtwo's cave. The cave is north of Cerulean City.

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Q: How do you catch Mewtwo in Pokemon shiny gold?
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you cant catch mewtwo in Pokemon platinum peral diamond you can in Pokemon heart gold and solsilver in canalave cave

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Mew can't be catched in Pokemon heartgold, only mewtwo.

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Where do you capture Mewtwo in Pokemon Gold?

Look up in YuTube how to capture mew Pokemon gold if u wanna catch mew the almighty!!!!!

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You can catch Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, and Mewtwo, Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno.

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U can't in heart gold but u can catch mewtwo

Can you catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Gold?

Get him down to 1 hp, confuse him, and then paralyze him. Then you might be able to catch him with a poke ball if you hack.

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Literally anywhere you see water. Use a fishing rod to catch one. There all over the place! XD -Chii

How do you catch Mewtwo on Gold Silver and Crystal?

You can't catch Mewtwo in Gold, Silver, or Crystal. But you can catch it in HeartGold and SoulSilver in the Cerulean Cave at Lv70.

What is the Pokemon behind your house Pokemon shiny gold?

It's a pikachu, i don't know if you can catch it, haven't found a way myself

How do you catch a shiny Pokemon in heart gold?

im not sure but i think u can by attaking the same Pokemon over and over again

Another way of catching mew in Pokemon gold?

before you catch mewtwo type in "one" then save then talk to it its A MEW wee