This is not necessarily true. Remember your type advantages. Dragons are weak against ice and dragon. They are resistant to electricity. Against Lance's true Dragons (Dragonair (Dragon) and Dragonite (Dragon/Flying)) use ice moves. Electric moves will work to a lesser extent on Dragonite because it is also Flying type. Electric moves against Aerodactyl and Gyarados are super effective, doubly on Gyarados (Water/Flying). Aerodactyl is Rock/Flying, so you could use water or, yet again, ice moves. Good Luck.
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Well, lance is a dragon type master and his Pokemon are Gryados lvl. 46, Dragonite lvl. 50, Dragonite lvl. 49, Dragonite lvl. 49, Charizard lvl 48, and Areodactle lvl 48 (I think). So you should have some ice types in you party like Feraligatr, Jynx, ext. Or, you could just buy blizzard at the Poke Mart in Goldenrod,
Hope that helps!
Fireball :)
The best way is to have an ice Pokemon. If you do not have access to an ice Pokemon, then you should have a dragon Pokemon. You should also have good defensive Pokemon, or a 'block' Pokemon so you can heal the other better Pokemon.
Also, most dragon Pokemon are flying types also; so I recommend having a strong electric type, preferably with good defense, like an Amparos. This will give you a fast (generally) Pokemon that can defeat most of the dragon types without being not very effective. Electric types have a normal effect on dragon/flying types but can be effective should they know thunder wave. Note: Gyrados is a flying/dragon type - not actually a water type. Seadra/Kingdra are both water/dragon types. Dragonite is a flying/dragon type.
Well, let's have a look at Lance's team the first time around:
1.Gyarados Lv.46 Water/Flying
2.Dragonite Lv.49 Dragon/Flying
3.Dragonite Lv.49 Dragon/Flying
4. Aerodactyl Lv.48 Rock/Flying
5. Charizard Lv. 48 Fire/Flying
6.Dragonite Lv. 50 Dragon/Flying ( item: Sitrus Berry)
(Go over and read the Bold + Italic words)
Make note that all of Lance's Pokemon are weak to the Rock Type
and 5 have x4 weaknesses:
Gyarados Weak to: Electric
Charizard Weak to: Rock
3 Dragonites' Weak to: Ice
Lv. recommended: At least Lv.40
Items recommended: Full Restores, Max Potions, Revives, and Full Heals.
He has VERY tough Pokemon so train train train.But if u r a rebel (like me lol!) don't bother to train all your Pokemon up to 50!.
STRATEGY:Ok in my team i had a
level 47 ditto(useful very useful)
level 45 meganium
level 55 lugia (high level to take down strong Pokemon)
level 48 ampharos
level 44 entei(great for the last pokemon0
and a level 43 red gyarados
Ok i started out battling the first Pokemon with my lugia and got at it straight away,
then i kept my lugia and battled the first 2 dragonites (PS Extrasensory helps and so does its other moves)Then i used my ditto to transform into the last dragonite and take it down. I used my entei for the last Pokemon (charazard) so its moves would be inaffective and i used Hyper beam ($7500 at golden rod city ) and K.Od it and then i strated singing celebrate lolz but i kept it quiet because it was almost 1:00 in the morning!
catch a floatzel, train it, it reaaly powerful against fire, ground and rock type....make it learn surf and waterfall, helps a lot....
After you beat Falkner, he is always in the gym.
Defeat or catch the red gyrados and then you can find a red scale.Swim back to shore and then Lance will be right in front of the sign of the lake of rage.
Use yo head.
Train your Bayleaf.
the safari after you beat lance once
Go to the Dragon's Den and take the test from Lance
Lance can be tough but if you have electric types, ice types and water types your in good shape as long as there in the level 70's or close to that.
well just beat the elite 4. if lance is to hard i would suggest use the action replay.if soul silver or heart gold mess with on your computer until it say something deleteing
well pretty much you can go to mount silver and battle red then you can get the kanto and hoenn starters
you can go really early in the morning to get her phone number and rematch her again
After you get all johto badges and beat Lance, you go to professor Elm.
The way you tag battle lance and Claire is if you beat the champion, red, and all 16 gym leaders you go to the dragons den and you see your rival. talk to him and lance and Claire will come and callenge you to a fight.
You must beat the game by getting all 8 badges then you have to beat the elite four and then the champion, Lance. After that go get all 8 Kanto badges and beat the elite four and the champion again. Then prof. Oak will see you are strong and allow you to go to mt. silver.
You battle them when youre done battle and beat your rival(silver) he'll say that he'll go to dragon den an you'll see just walk to him
catch a floatzel, train it, it reaaly powerful against fire, ground and rock type....make it learn surf and waterfall, helps a lot....
you get it after defeating team rocket in goldenrod lance gives it to you