Step 1: Be organized. Her wardrobe is colour co-ordinated. She is very organized with her life, she has a schedule in her day planner, her whole life is in it.
Tip- buy a day planner.
Step 2: Her style is very conservative. She has mostly skirts and blouses. Her hair id mid length and naturally wavey
Tip- Take a picture of her into your hair dresser and get her hair cut, then go shopping and buy some girl conservative clothes.
Step 3: You must be academic, care about your grade, and aim for a good college.
Tip- Try hard in school.
what was jane's childhood like
Well debby Ryan like blue but she likes green
Ryan Sheckler doesn't have a sister.
Debby Ryan
weelll. i like: austin brevin taron brady josh colton jesse ryan AND ryan stinson LOVE YOU BOIIS
i know its cute i have a day planner just like it from the plan ahead company but mines black
get a day planner and try too get high marks
if you want to be like roxy you need to be adventurous,out-going,always finding the bright side, shop at hottopic,spencers,and new bury comics,music is your life and lastly be yourself
Her room is very neat and clean. There are some pink/white details and many, many, many pictures. It's kind of vintage, I guess.
Ryan, just like that.
what was jane's childhood like
hey no one here knows what Ryan shecklers house looks like but Ryan sheckler
Well debby Ryan like blue but she likes green
The cast of Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned - 2013 includes: Alex DeCourville as Ryan Heather Jane Farr as Sarah Patricia Valestin as Margo
He wanted to be named Ryan.
what was it like when Jane Goodall was growing up? i don't knoooow...
Jane is a student and students like to party, so Jane must like to party