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this is a system that confused me too. they have to have certain requirements just like nomal digivolution.

this is the listing.

Shurimon: Hawkmon + Digiegg of Sincerity (Hawkmon at Lv22 and above with 800 or more Insect/Plant EXP.)

Allomon: Hawkmon + Digiegg of Courage (Hawkmon at Lv21 and above with 110 or more Attack Stat)

Toucanmon: Hawkmon + Digiegg of Kindness (Hawkmon at Lv20 and above with 105 or more Defense Stat)

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Q: How do you armor digivolve hawkmon in Digimon World ds?
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Does hawkmon digivolve to airdramon in Digimon World Dawn?

Hawkmon digivolves to aquilamon or you can armor digivolve to Allomon, Shurimon, or Toucanmon.

How do you get halsemon in Digimon World Dusk?

Armor digivolve hawkmon with the digiegg of love. PS:it has to be at a sutain level

How do you used courage DE in Digimon?

you just need to find a digimon that can armor digivolve like: gatomon , wormmon , veemon , hawkmon and see what it needs to digivolve like : veemon needs level 22, 2500 dragon exp , armor digivolves to flamedramon gatomon needs level 30 , 25oo dragon exp , armor digivolves to lynxmon wormmon needs something i don't really know ! Sorry! but it armor digivolves to shadramon hawkmon needs ... and i have no idea what it needs either ! sorry again! but it armor digivolves allomon And about to forget : you need to got back your tamer home and use the computer have a picture of a beast and choose special digivolve and done !!! you just need to choose the digimon that you need to digivolve and choose armor digivolve Have a nice time armor digivolve your DIGIMON !!!

What level does hawkmon have to be to digivolve to halsemon?

level ? hawkmon armor digivolves to halsemon with the digi egg of love

How do you get halsemon in Digimon world dawn?

You don't. Halsemon is the armor form of hawkmon with the digiegg of love. Hawkmon is olnly compatible with the sincerity, courage, and kindess digieggs on digimon world dawn and dusk.

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What level does a digimon have to be at to armor digivolve in world dusk?

u need one to beable then go to digilab and click on armor digivolve.

Who were the Digimon partners and their digivolution forms in the second season of Digimon?

T.K's partner is Patamon and he could digivolve to Angemon and MagnaAngemon and could also armor digivolve to Pegasusmon, Kari's partner is Gatomon and she can not only digivolve to Angewomon but she can also armor digivolve to Nefertimon, Davis' partner is Veemon who could digivolve to ExVeemon, Paildramon and Imperialdramon and he can also armor digivolve to Flamedramon, Raidramon and Magnamon, Yolei's partner is Hawkmon who could digivolve to Aquilamon and Silphymon and could also armor digivolve to Halsemon and Shurimon, Cody's partner is Armadillomon who could digivolve to Ankylomon and Shakkoumon and he could also digivolve to Digmon and Submarimon and Ken's partner is Wormmon who is capable of digivolving to Stingmon.

How do you get a magamon in Digimon World Dawn?

If you mean magnamon, go to your digimon pc, select digivolve/degenerate, select armor digivolve, and use the digiegg of miracles of veemon

What Digimon can armor digivolve?

The Digimon that can armor digivolve are Gabumon, Tentomon, Veemon, Hawkmon, Aquiamon, Armadillomon, Ankylomon, Patamon, Salamon, Gatomon, Wormmon, Stingmon, Terriermon, Gargomon, Lopmon, Guilmon, Impmon, Agunimon, Renamon, Monodramon, Lobomon, Kazemon, Kumamon, Peckmon, Chuumon, Gotsumon, ClearAgumon, Otamamon, Wizardmon, Kokuwamon, Hagurumon, Solarmon, Volcamon and Guardromon. Veemon using the Digi-Egg of Courage can digivolve into Flamedramon, using the Friendship one he can digivolve into Raidramon, using the Love Egg he can digiviolve into Sethmon, using the Digi-Egg of Sincerity he can armor digivolve into Yasyamon, using the Knowledge one he can armor digivolve into Honeybeemon, using Hope he can armor digivolve into Sagitarrimon, Reliability he can digivolve into Depthmon and with the Digi-Egg of Light he can armor digivolve into Gargoylemon.

When does the eggs hach in digimon dawn?

you cant hatch them you armor digivolve

How do you armor diigivole Digimon in Digimon dusk for ds?

First, you have to have the right digimon, and the digiegg corresponding to the one you want. Then, after certain conditions are met, (they are all different) go to DigiLab PC and select Special Digivolve. Select Armor Digivolve and the Digimon you want, and Voila!