You can Train a Skullgreymon to EL 31 and he'll digivolve to a Machinedramon,
Or if you're in the right part of the story line (which is close to the end of the game ), you can trade a Skullgreymon for a Machinedramon in the Trade Centre.
In Digimon world dusk, you have the option to pick SkullGreymon in your party. If you want to have Machindramon, you have to get SkullGreymon. His Mega is Machindramon.
you most use a code to get it but the code only work on digimon dusk
it can dna digivolve with rosemon to create Rosemon Burst mode
You need to DNA Digivolve Kabuterimon and Devimon but you need to be friend or allie srom skullgreymon. At least lv 30 I think.
magnamon+superstarmon 88888exp+460spirit+lv73 he is cool but hard to make
The Digimon franchise already had several games in 3D in the past. Digimon World, Digimon Adventure PSP, Digimon World Re Digitize, Digimon Masters, just to cite some of them.
you most use a code to get it but the code only work on digimon dusk
it can dna digivolve with rosemon to create Rosemon Burst mode
You need to DNA Digivolve Kabuterimon and Devimon but you need to be friend or allie srom skullgreymon. At least lv 30 I think.
magnamon+superstarmon 88888exp+460spirit+lv73 he is cool but hard to make
WereJackal is one of the best tamers in Digime great on World Dawn and Dusk. He has great Digimon. I'll tell you some of his Digimon that I know he has. RavemonBM, ZeedMilleniummon, Ancientmon, Bring Calumon, and make suure it has Power of Love. Make sure to fight with strategy and inflict status problems on his digimon. (confusion, poison, paralysis, and sleep) T Destroyer from ZeedMilleniummon will be powerful so make sure you have someone with a healing move. Oh, and make sure your digimon have max stats and resistance. WereJackal is one of the best tamers in Digime great on World Dawn and Dusk. He has great Digimon. I'll tell you some of his Digimon that I know he has. RavemonBM, ZeedMilleniummon, Ancientmon, Bring Calumon, and make suure it has Power of Love. Make sure to fight with strategy and inflict status problems on his digimon. (confusion, poison, paralysis, and sleep) T Destroyer from ZeedMilleniummon will be powerful so make sure you have someone with a healing move. Oh, and make sure your digimon have max stats and resistance.
The Digimon franchise already had several games in 3D in the past. Digimon World, Digimon Adventure PSP, Digimon World Re Digitize, Digimon Masters, just to cite some of them.
0989007475322627755fffffff3215 this the code
your going to have to use WFC to breed eggs. diffrent lvls and combinations make diffrent eggs. and each kind of egg has four diffrent possible digimon. the digimon you need to get for goldramon is airdramon. He can be obtained from a DragoDigiEgg which you can make by breeding two lvl 25(or higher) dragon type digimon.
simple just keep a barrage of attacks that takes up atleast 3 spaces xooox. make sure to get A LOT of digiar full T or as i prefer, full repair T. you are seriously going to need it. i recommend for dusk skullgreymon, machinedramon, zeedmilleniumon or armmegedemon. all of them are strong and great, for dawn try gallanmon crimson, omnimon, imperialdramonPM, sasanoomon, and perhaps valdurmon for both versions. Make sure your digimon have good stats and are equipped.
well the newest digimon game is Digimon world re: Digitize its a reboot of the first game, but im hoping that they make a Digimon rumble arena 3! ;)
That depends on what type of egg you are talking about. If you are talking about Digi Eggs that let you Armor Digivolve, you get those as rewards for missions and sometimes as gifts, but if your talking about an actual egg that hatches, you have to get another DS with Digimon Dusk/Dawn and have them make the egg.
You go to the first counter in the digicolleseum (One at spawn point) and talk to the first two people for wifi and multicard communication.