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Tia Dalma (Or Calipso) was able to bring back Barbossa from the dead using some sort of voodoo magic that is not said in the movies. She can't bring back Jack the same way she brought back Barbosse because Jack wasn't in the place of "death, but punishment. The worsed fate a man can bring upon himself. That's what awaits at Davy Jones Locker." (As said in the third movie by Tia Dalma.)

p.s I love Jack Sparrow!!

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14y ago

Tia Dalma brought him back to life to help rescue Jack from Davy Jones' Locker, for he was only dead unlike Jack sparrow, who had to be brought back a different way.

[You may want to watch Dead Man's Chest and At World's End]

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13y ago

He is brought back to life by Tia dalma or calypso. He is needed by her to go and retrieve jack from Davy Jones locker in order to go to the brethren court.

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4y ago

He was Ressurcted from the dead with Tia Dalma's Magic and VooDoo powers because they need all nine pirate lords to convene the brethren court,also they need him to sail to Davy jones locker since he knows those waters to save jack from the locker

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