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You can only get a guild if you are unlimited access. You can create a guild name by opening the friend box, click guild on the bottom and click guild options if there is a button like that. If it says guild members, you are already there. Now click guild name and type in your desired guild name. But, a lot of names are taken so choose another one if it is. It will take a while for it to be approved by the pirates online creators. That will probably take until you log out and in the next time.

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Q: How can you make a name for your pirate guild on Pirates of the Caribbean online?
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Yes, you can.

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No such code but you can either loot or buy muskets, in game my name is Esmerelda Chainskull of the guild Piratefury Co

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I'm pretty sure it's INFERNO but I wouldn't join those guys are jerks either then that it would most likely be SPAINIA, in game my name is Esmeralda Chainskull in the guild PirateFuryCo

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How do you make a guild name on pirates online?

Press the leeter f on your keyboard then go to guild and more options...