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Go to Viridian forest 2. a wave of them will come sometime on the left. attack until one is catchable. watch out they are fast. It will be lvl 10, 11 or 9.

there is also one wild one in viridian forest 1, but only 1

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

First get a old rod(challenge mode. challenge 2.)then go to cerulion gym1 and you will see magikarps...catch one or more...THEN YOUR ON YOU WAY TO GETTING GYARIDOS.train magikarp(I WOULD USE THE HACKED VERSION.)later on, like level 7 or something it learns a new move.THEN LEVEL 10 OR 20(I FORGET) IT EVOLVES INTO A ......DUN DUN DUNNNN A GYARADOS YEAH

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βˆ™ 12y ago

You can get Golem by evolving Gravler.

You can catch Golem in Rock Tunnel.


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Q: How can you get a Pikachu on Pokemon tower defense?
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you need a thunder stone for it to evolve

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Well Pikachu Doesnt Learn Volt Tackle In Pokemon Tower Defense but other's do but he may cause the maker of the game may add volt tackle to pikachu and other pokemon may learn it glad for the help!

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it is ?

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you beat the giant onix and show a guy a pikachu lv 42 and a electrod and you will get a shiny voltrob

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pikachu/raichu, on thunder shock or eloctroball , two pokemon on strig shot and two rattata on sucker punch

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Well, if you are playing computer version, you can got to hacked pokemon tower defense.

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What is Pokemon tower defense?

That would be a Pokemon game.

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how to create save profile online in pokemon tower defense v3.1.5

Is there such thing as Pokemon Black and White tower defense?

No, but if you go to go to tower defense games one of them is Pokemon td.

Can you send you Pokemon tower defense Pokemon to Pokemon heart gold?
