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i did it pretty easy, i used lucario's force palm to paralyze it and then brought it down to red, after that i just started throwing ultra ballls at it, id say it took me about 4 ultras to bring him down and catch him, did the same thing with the sleeping phycics as well. hope that help.

-- In my opinion, my tactic was quite easy. See, when you get up to Diagla, pull a Pokemon out that has Endeavor, and just keep using that, just try not to die till you get it in the red. Then, just throw a Dusk Ball. On my first try, this worked, only had to use one ball total. ~T~

or get lucario and use close combat and it takes it down to red or kill him also save before battling ot will help

hope you like :) bendy ben

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The best way to catch any Pokemon is to lower their HP as far as possible (with moves that leave at least one HP, such as False Swipe), and giving them status problems (such as paralysis and poisoning). The best PokeBalls to use are Ultra Balls or Dark Balls.

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Q: How can you catch Lugia without a Master Ball in GS and HGSS?
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What is the best way to catch Lugia?

weaken lugia down till it is almost dead than use a poke ball you will not catch it but then use an ultra ball and then you have lugia. PS. use the master ball on entei

Is it possible to catch shadow lugia without a master ball in Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

It is but unless you have a lot of Ultra Balls

Can you catch suicine without a master ball?

yes, i caught suicine with a friend ball!

What items do you need to catch Lugia?

You will be needing up to 20 ultra balls or a master ball if you have oneOnce you have got those, you can go to Whirl Islands and search for Lugia and battle him. Once you see him, make sure you save your game.Once you are versing him, the most important thing to do is get Lugia's health down to 1% or 10%. Better if you do 1%. Once you done it, catch using ultra balls.It might take up to 17 balls to catch it.If you have a master ball, you just go to him and throw the master ball. Easy as it gets!I caught mine by getting its health down to 10% and using the move Flash multiple times.Then the next thing i knew was that i caught Lugia!!!Happy caching guys!

Would a timer ball as strong as a master ball work on lugia in Pokemon XD?


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Do you need a master ball to catch lugia?

No any ball will work

How can you cach lugia without a master ball on Pokemon silver?

it is easiest to catch him with a heavy ball made by Kurt in azalea town with a apricot

What is the best way to catch Lugia?

weaken lugia down till it is almost dead than use a poke ball you will not catch it but then use an ultra ball and then you have lugia. PS. use the master ball on entei

Is it possible to catch shadow lugia without a master ball in Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

It is but unless you have a lot of Ultra Balls

Where are all the master ball in soul silver?

you can only get 1 master ball to catch lugia, or you can use the Pokemon modifier cheat

Can you catch lugia or ho oh without a master ball?

ive tried it before and it doesnt work unless you have a code for action replay so every ball works

Where is shadow Lugia in Pokemon XD?

Lugia is found in Citadark isle on top where u battle Greevil and catch it from him with a Master ball

What kind of ball can you use to catch Lugia and Mewtwo in HeartGold not including the Master ball I've heard both are level 70 so how should I catch them?

if you dont wanna waste your master ball, then the strongest ball will be the Ultra Ball...

What is the best way to catch lugia in Pokemon heart gold?

the best way is a master ball or a net ball when it is at 1HP

Should you use the master ball on Darkrai?

you should use it on lugia. he is the hardest one to catch. you cant catch him with any other pokeball. you can only catch him with a master ball.

Do you have to catch lugia with master ball in Pokemon silver?

no, i think I used mine on Ho-oh instead =)

Do you have to catch lugia with a master ball in soul silver?

no, fact, one time, I caught him in a regular pokeball.