Mr. McCordle (Michael Gambon) was poisoned in Gosford Park before he was stabbed by Robert (Clive Owen). Mrs. Wilson (Helen Mirren), poisoned Mr. McCordle before the stabbing to insure that her son, Robert, did not get into any trouble for "killing him", as he stabbed Mr. McCordle's corpse.
In the film "Gosford Park," the murderer is revealed to be Constance, Lady Trentham. She is motivated by a desire to inherit her husband's wealth and status, and she orchestrates the murder of Sir William McCordle to achieve this goal. Lady Trentham's cunning and manipulative nature are gradually unveiled throughout the movie, leading to the shocking revelation of her role in the murder.
Harry Gosford Reeves died in 1918.
David Mason - murderer - was born in 1956.
Joseph Burns - murderer - was born in 1806.
John Rooney - murderer - died in 1905.
Charles Walker - murderer - was born in 1940.
The duration of Gosford Park is 2.28 hours.
The Production Budget for Gosford Park was $18,000,000.
Gosford Park was released on 12/26/2001.
Gosford Park was created on 2001-11-07.
Gosford Park was released on 12/26/2001.
Gosford Park - soundtrack - was created on 2002-01-15.
Gosford Park grossed $41,300,105 worldwide.
Gosford Park grossed $41,300,105 in the domestic market.
In the film "Gosford Park," Pip is a Wire Fox Terrier.
Gosford Park (2001) was directed by Robert Altman, and starred Maggie Smith and Michael Gambon.
The Making of 'Gosford Park' - 2001 TV was released on: USA: 14 December 2001
Gordon Park - murderer - was born in 1944.