first go downstairs. walk out the door. your mom will say something and you go out. walk to the big house.go in. your friend will go back in. go upstairs in the house. talk to your friend.go outside and up. go left into the trees. people will walk past you. go to the case. choose a pokemon. i suggest to pick turtwig. battle the attacking pokemon. go out of the lake area. go right and talk to the people. you will go home. you will get running shoes. go outside and up. go right. go in the lab. you will earn your pokemon. take the tour and go home. heal your pokemon. go past the lab up into the grass. you will learn to catch pokemon. go up and beat trainers. keep going and go to the city. go to the trainer school and talk to your friend. go out and talk to the clowns. there are three. answer the questions. go to the purple man. you'll get a poketch. go right. battle your friend. go right until you go to a cave. go through. at the end go out and go down to the mine. talk to the person in between boulders. go out. i suggest you train in there. go to the gym. beat the gym leader. go back to jublife city. go up. beat bad guys.go up. go through cave. go to flormora town. go right beat badguy. go back to flowmora. go up through trees. beat badguy. go back to windworks. open door. beat master. go up bridge. go up. go in forest. go through. go across bridge. beat gym. go to tower. beat it.go to bike shop. get bike. go down and do what told. go down. go on path. on other side go through mountain. go right. at hearthome go to contest. talk to mom. go out and down. go right. go through. at solecoon go up. go through. at veilstone beat gym.go to warehouse. win. go in. get item. go to big place. beat it. go down. go through. ask someone else the rest.
Try this code, its really good but I'm not sure it walks through almost anything in the game, it's an emulator cheat so I haven't tried it on GBA
Code is game shark - CE2CCCB25D8D815D
How can i disable it???? I've already deleted it and it stills working, i don't like it any more, please help me!!!!
Try leaving the game for awhile, basically turning it off then going back in. I used a code to encounter a chimcho and they kept appearing even after I took the code off. Frustrated I turned the emulator off and then went back the next day prepared to complain but the code was off.
IF that does not work then, you are in my words, fraked. This is a code for an emulator and if you have that then it should work, using it on a actual game can be dangerous. Codes like this can REALLY screw up your game.
980546ba4 420980cb1
Use a gameshark
You buy a gameshark ad cheat through it.
how to cheat Pokemon emerald masterball with password
By Useing Gameshark or other cheat codes.
I don't know, but my guess would be it's like a gameshark cheat.
You Get a game shark for your Gameboy or Gameboy advanced
only with a cheat or gameshark!!!!!!!!!!!!
If your talking about the code for everything and for a GBA gameshark (not for a GBA emulator) that here it is: 97726CAE9184 17832E0E3475 B85E5A770386 Hope this helped:)
you can't you have to trade him through ruby
Hey dude i have been looking around soooooooo much that you could not even imagine, for Pokemon sapphire codes for gameshark such as: all shiny Pokemon and the walk through walls code, but i am afraid that these are only for Pokemon emerald version:( but i could be wrong if u know the walk through walls code could u tell me it? thx. signed da zing 48
980546ba4 420980cb1
Use a gameshark
Use a gameshark.