No he is not. They broke up already. And no there were never engaged. {this was answered on sept.6, 2009}
Hi I do not know the answer but I love Trey Songz.
Corelli's. Love you Helen!
No, he has a girlfriend....Vanessa :)
his girlfriend shagun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was never mentioned in animation, comic nor movies... (I would love to be his girlfriend though <3)
It was Helen Gedlu but they aren't together anymore, her myspace is
Hey, Helen's myspace is Take care and dont hate on her, everybody needs someone to love even celebrities.
Yes his girlfriend is abby mckissick. He is in love with her.
tell girlfriend the truth
If the ex-girlfriend still in love with you: Than that means that she is having a hard time getting over the two of you.
yeah, l am ten and i had a girlfriend, and she wants to just be friends but i still love her
You still care for her and love her.
be yourself and if she don't love you there is a problem if you tell her you love her and still nothing there is no relationship
yes, he is still happily in love with ledamonsterbunny.
There is nothing you can do.
Saying you love your ex does not mean you are in love with him.
That's not a question