Tila Tequila goes by Tila Tequila, and Miss Tila.
Tila Tequila is 4'11.
Tila Tequila is bisexual.
Tila Tequila has made no statements in regards to her religion.
Tila Tequila was born on October 24, 1981.
Tila Tequila was born on October 24, 1981.
No Tila is a female.
No. Tila Tequila happena to be allergic to alcohol, despite her "last name."
Tila chose Bobby
No, Tila is still alive.
Tila Tequila is 33 years old (birthdate: October 24, 1981).
No. Tila Tequila happena to be allergic to alcohol, despite her "last name."