MASSIVE ones! The poor girl is virtually crippled with painful bunions
Shannon Elizabeth is 43 years old (birthdate: September 7, 1973).
Shannon Moore's real name is Shannon Moore
No, her father is Lebanese or Syrian depending on the source, but he was not raised as a Muslim, according to her in an interview (link in source area). Her mother is of Irish, English, and German ancestry.
Shannon Cochran is 5' 9".
Bree Shannon's birth name is Bretina Lynette Shannon.
Shannon Elizabeth was born on September 7, 1973.
Shannon Elizabeth was born on September 7, 1973.
Shannon Elizabeth is 43 years old (birthdate: September 7, 1973).
Shannon Beer's birth name is Shannon Elizabeth Beer.
my is NO
Shannon Elizabeth Vs Black Ops - 2012 was released on: USA: 2012
The cast of Shannon Elizabeth Vs Black Ops - 2012 includes: Shannon Elizabeth as herself Kevin Ignatius as Doctor Nick Psinakis as Stock Broker Michael Thyer as Absent Father
Shannon Elizabeth
Shannon Elizabeth
Bunions are bones growning out of your feet