Yes. It's his favorite sport and he was on the team in high school.
Kellan played trombone in band.
Kellan Lutz has played in Twilight, Prom Night, Accepted, and Stick it.
Kellan Lutz's birth name is Kellan Christopher Lutz.
Kellan Lutz has 1 child
Mr Lutz, or to Kellan, he is known as Daddy.
Kellan played football and a bit of baseball
Kellan played trombone in band.
Kellan Lutz
Yes indeed. Kellan lutz does play George in 90210. -Hurray!! \0/-
Kellan Lutz has played in Twilight, Prom Night, Accepted, and Stick it.
Kellan Lutz's full name is Kellan Christopher Lutz.
Kellan Lutz's birth name is Kellan Christopher Lutz.
Kellan Lutz's full name is Kellan Christopher Lutz.
No, Kellan Lutz does not have a child.