Yes, Emma Watson has ADHD.
No information has been released indicating that Paul Walker had been diagnosed with ADHD.
I have ADHD and it's not something that you can get. so the cause of his ADHD was him being born.I guess there's some small chance that head trama resulting in a minor brain injury could cause ADHD but you'd be lucky if that was the only result.What can I say, were blessed at birth.
Yes. He had surgery on his deviated septum.
Half Bloods have ADHD because it is their fighting reflexes and that is why it helps him
Caffeine has not been approved to treat ADHD, nor has it been proven to have any dramatic effects on focus or attention. Caffeine is a very mild stimulant and it belongs to the same class of drugs (psychostimulants) that are commonly used to treat ADHD such as amphetamine or methylphenidate. There have been theories that many people with ADHD benefit more from caffeine and it may be an attempt to self-medicate (similar to the higher proportion of individuals with ADHD that smoke tobacco which contains nicotine); treating ADHD with caffeine is not recommended.
The fact is no. Most kids will not grow out of ADHD but, You can get help with it at a younger age it will help with the rest of there life.
Energy drinks are very high in caffeine. Caffeine tends to make people with ADHD feel more alert and calm, rather than jittery, as high doses of caffeine make other people feel.
Yes. Kids with ADHD can become many things as long as there ADHD does not affect how well they perform there job.
WebMD has a section on ADHD, which includes diet suggestions for children and adults. There is also a site called ADHD awareness that has some pieces about nutrition. Many ADD/ADHD people self-medicate with caffeine, which should be discouraged.
Several different diets can minimize the symptoms of ADHD. These include a gluten free diet and low sugar diet. You can learn more about diets for ADHD here:
* The article linked to the right, "The caffeine controversy
If your son has ADHD that only thing that could really be adding to his hyper activity is sugar and caffeine. It is recommended to remove these from a child's diet who has ADHD.
Hey-ho. It may not work for everyone, but it works for most. (And me) Caffeine. Yes, caffeine actually does the opposite to a hyperactive child! It's been proven. ______ There is no one answer for this question as each person who has ADHD varies in interest and severity of symptoms. However, assuring proper treatment is important including a treatment plan with medication, lifestyle changes, and psychotherapy.
Generally, they are, as long as they do not have too much caffeine.
Caffeine can sometimes calm down hyperactive children. (I know from experience) It does the opposite affect that you'd probably expect.
3% to 5% out of 100% of kids.