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I think he looks a little like Eric Bana (TimeTravelersWife)

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Q: Does any one else think that Peter Facinelli looks like Tom Cruise?
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Does peter facinelli have a Facebook?

i think he does i think all the twilight cast members do yeah he does

How old is luca Bella lola ray and Fiona eve facinelli?

luca Bella facinelli was born in 1997 and i think she is now 12, lola ray facinelli was born in 2002 and i think is now 6-7 and Fiona eve facinelli was born in 2006 and i think is now is 3 : )

Does Peter Facinelli have children?

Yes, Peter Facinelli has three children. He has two daughters with his ex-wife Jennie Garth, and a daughter with his former fiancée Jaimie Alexander.

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I think you are seeing the cruise control light.

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I think it is Peter Fancillinelly I am not quite sure about the last name=) . Good try on the last name. I also have a hard time on it. However, its spelled "Facinelli".

What is a cruise gateway?

I think you might be refering to a cruise getaway. A cruise getaway is when you go on a cruise ship and relax. I think if there is a cruise gateway ot would be the gateway to get on the cruise ship, like on a plane ride your wating to go on your standing in the depatrure gate.

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I think so because in the end he says, "That ship looks very fimiliar."

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Apparently, former Disney starlet Hilary Duff is dying to join the cast of the upcoming film, New Moon. Hilary was seen chatting with Vampire-Dad Peter Facinelli backstage at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week! A source told Hollyscoop exclusively, "Hilary told Peter how bad she wants to be in the next Twilight movie. Hilary said that she would want to be one of the vampires in the movie." Poor Peter Facinelli. He had to have an entire conversation with Hilary Duff! What do you think of Hilary joining up in New Moon? Who could she even play? plz do not erase what i wrote just add your answer below I think that she should join the cast. They are making a new character, Heidi, who is a fisher that brings humans to the Volturi, for the vampires to feed on.

Is Tom Cruise not crazy?

yes tom cruise not crazy i think all actor in world crazy but tom cruise is best

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I realy like Katie price but i think that Peter Andre is better.

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i think 52

What does a cruise finder do?

Find the cruise you wish simply by choosing from the options provided. Each selection will refine your choices to find the ideal cruise for you. Theme Cruise Finder can help you setup a theme cruise. You'll need to think through several issues to ensure a successful theme cruise.