sadly, she does smoke.
She admited it, that she caught the horrible habit during "Rachels Getting Married".
She is my fave actress, and i found out about a minute ago. I still don't know how i feel...Im completely against smokers, but when i say shes my fave actress, you can practically call me obsessed.
everythig changes now.
Here's to hoping she quits. AND SOON.
GOOD NEWS!!!(as of November 8, 2008)Anne Hathaway said on David Letterman that she quit here: GOODNESS!!!
i love her, I'm like, her biggest fan and i look up to her and i never knew she really started but when i heard she quit i was completely relieved. =D
love you Anne!!
She did in many movies, including Titanic. I dont think she smokes in reality, though. Same with Leonardo DiCaprio.
Jennifer Aniston did smoke but has stopped as she is in full baby making mode with justin theroux
She called her a doo-doo head.
Jennifer Anniston
You don't like her perfume one would assume
Jennifer Anniston has appeared in a variety of films about relationships including: Along Came Polly (2004) The Break-Up (2006) He's just not that into you (2009) Love Happens (2009) Bounty Hunter (2009)
No. Jennifer Anniston is a Buddhist. There are reports, since denied, that she plans to convert to Kabbalah.
jennifer anniston
Jennifer Anniston
she is..... blah blah blah.
Jennifer anniston
Not at the moment
Yes, she has starred in many films.
I think it's something with Jennifer Anniston in it.....
Leonardo Da Vinci, Jennifer Anniston
Jennifer Anniston