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Everyone snores. Every single human being on the planet. Debby included.

Snoring is caused by:

  • Blocking the windpipe by sleeping in an unusual position.
  • Narrowing of the airway caused by poor sleep posture.
  • Blocked nasal passages, especially when the sleeper is prone to hay fever or has a cold/flu.
  • Having small nasal passages, common in women.
  • Sleeping on your back, causing your tongue to cover the airway and make a noise when you breathe.
  • Throat infections or abnormalities of the throat tissues.
  • Damage to the throat tissues caused by smoking.
  • A side effect of many sleeping pills.

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9y ago
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12y ago

Obviously. Everyone does. Maybe not in public

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13y ago

she is 1 how many 18 year olds u know that dont

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12y ago

As unbelievable as it sounds, celebrities do the same things as other people. They burp, catch colds, run their knee into the coffee table, ect.

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14y ago

yes every girl has boobs

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15y ago


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