Christopher Eccleston was born on February 16, 1964.
Christopher Eccleston is 53 years old (birthdate: February 16, 1964).
No. He is alive and well, and still acting. Just not as the Doctor.
Clint Eastwood (Actor) Zac Efron (Actor) Chris Evans Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who)
The terrorists are christopher eccleston and sienna miller.:)
Christopher Eccleston goes by Chris.
Christopher Eccleston was born on February 16, 1964.
Christopher Eccleston was born on February 16, 1964.
Christopher Eccleston is 53 years old (birthdate: February 16, 1964).
WikiAnswers does not know for sure at this time the sexual orientation of Christopher Eccleston.
Christopher Eccleston appeared in Series 6 (2005), Episode 3.
Christopher Eccleston's last episode was The Parting of the Ways which was originally broadcast June 18, 2005.
Nicole kidman and christopher eccleston
Christopher Eccleston
Christopher Eccleston is about 6' tall. Other sites sometimes list him as more, but people who have met him in person tend to confirm he is no more than 6'.
Christopher Eccleston is an English actor, best known for his role as the Ninth Doctor on the hit sci-fi show Doctor Who. He currently resides in the UK with his wife and son.