No, neither has.
As of his birthday in 2017, Marshall Dutton was still alive (born March 15, 1978).
As of his birthday in 2017, former lead singer Austin Winkler was still alive (born October 25, 1981).
Margel Hinder died in 1995.
No, Amos Melford Hanks is not a singer. If you are referring to the lead singer of the Diamonds it is Dave Somerville.
Otto Singer died in 1894.
Ronnie Singer died in 1953.
Austin Winkler is the lead singer for Hinder.
Austin Winkler
there from Oklahoma city. Well the lead singer is.
Austin Winkler, lead singer of Hinder, was born on October 25, 1981, so, as of December 2008, he is 27.
the lead singer got caught cheating on his girlfriend
His name is Austin Winkler and he was born October 25, 1981.
While not confirmed, there are several reports of the lead singer Austin winkler being involved in relationships with men.
As of 2017, it is Marshall Dutton (born March 15, 1978), who joined the band in 2014. The former lead singer (2001-2013) was Austin Winkler (born October 25, 1981).
No. Jason Wade is the only lead singer Lifehouse has ever had, and as of 2010, he is alive and well.
Drug overdose
No one in Hinder died.
Hayley William Hammer Box Hinder Hilary Duff Hinder