Her name is Vanessa Baden and she played on Kenan and Kel as Kenan's little sister.
Kel Mitchell was born August 25, 1978 in Chicago, IL.
No. As of his 39th birthday, comedian Kel Mitchell is still alive (born August 25, 1978).
Kel Mitchell is a comedian, born August 25, 1978 in Chicago, IL. He appeared on Nickelodeon in the sketch comedy series "All That" (1994-2000) and on "Kenan & Kel" (1996-2000) with Kenan Thompson. In 2015 he starred on the sitcom "Game Shakers."
Kel Mitchell is alive and living he does a lot with schools and gives speeches his Twitter is iamkelmitchell his insta is iamkelmitchell
Her name is Vanessa Baden and she played on Kenan and Kel as Kenan's little sister.
Kel Mitchell was born on August 25, 1978.Kel Mitchell was born on August 25, 1978.
Kel Mitchell was born on August 25, 1978.
Kel Mitchell is alive!!!!
Kel Mitchell was born August 25, 1978 in Chicago, IL.
kel mitchell has not died atall he is still alive with 2 children in a beach house in Ohio
No. As of his 39th birthday, comedian Kel Mitchell is still alive (born August 25, 1978).
Kenan Thompson was born May 10, 1978. Kel Mitchell was born August 25, 1978.
Kel did not die he was shot but he survives thank God.
Kel Mitchell is alive and living he does a lot with schools and gives speeches his Twitter is iamkelmitchell his insta is iamkelmitchell
Kel Mitchell is a comedian, born August 25, 1978 in Chicago, IL. He appeared on Nickelodeon in the sketch comedy series "All That" (1994-2000) and on "Kenan & Kel" (1996-2000) with Kenan Thompson. In 2015 he starred on the sitcom "Game Shakers."