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Their are 147 John Wayne films so getting a definitive answer would take some time and a lot of popcorn, however film buffs in the know say he never said this line in one of his films. It is a common theory that he may have delivered this line in a commercial or a comic of the day used the line in a sketch or shtick and it has just been associated with him over time.

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Q: Did john Wayne say 'get off your horse and drink your milk'?
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Drink it. It's quite sweet actually.

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Milk, Tea

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It has to drink milk from its mom because it dose not have teeth

Can baby horse drink pasterized milk?

Yes, but pasteurized cow's milk is not ideally suited for horse foals. There are products on the market designed for foals or there are recipes to enhance goat's or cow's milk to increase it's suitability for foals.

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They will eat there mothers milk from her breast.

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Yes, they drink milk.

Is Nesquik Chocolate Milk A Drink?

yes chocolate milk is a drink it is milk, milk is a drink so if you add chocolate it will be the same but chocolaty,

Could a cow drink human milk?

No. Cows don't need to drink milk: they drink water, not milk.

Why should we stand and drink milk?

There is no reason to stand to drink milk. You can drink milk from exactly the same positions as you drink anything else.

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