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yes at the logers picnic in seatle

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Q: Did john Wayne climb the pole in north to Alaska?
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What movie did john Wayne play in when he made the statement on that's a fine howdy do?

north to alaska

Who is the singer that played in the movie North to Alaska with John Wayne?

that was fabian he played young billy pratt

What is the plot to the movie North To Alaska?

The movie called North to Alaska is a comedy western. It concerns a man who has found gold in Alaska and sends a friend to Seattle to bring his fiancee to him. John Wayne and Stuart Granger star in the movie.

The shootist was whose last film?

Lauren Becall, Ron Howard, Sherri North, Scatman Caruthers

Is John Wayne single?

No, John Wayne is not single.

Jennifer Wayne Daughter of which son of John Wayne?

John Ethan Wayne, Son of John Wayne, is Jennifer's father.

When did John Wayne Delehant die?

John Wayne Delehant was born in 1890.

When was John Wayne born?

John Wayne was born on May 26, 1907.

Did John Wayne marry?

John Wayne married to Josephine Saenz in 1933 John Wayne married to Esperanza Baur in 1946 John Wayne married to Pilar Pallete in 1954

Was John Wayne 5'6''?

I think you're confusing him with L'il Wayne. John Wayne was considerably taller than that. John Wayne was 6'4" (or a little taller)

What did John Wayne collect?

John Wayne collected Hopi "kachina" dolls.

Where in Washington state did John Wayne have ties?

John Wayne loved the Pacific Northwest and had many friends in the area. His yacht 'Wild Goose' was purchased from a Wayne friend lumber tycoon May Wyman of Seattle for $110,000. He fished, had friends and enjoyed cruising Northwest waters. For years after Wayne's 1979 death, the Goose went into slow decline unil 1991 when Deil Gustafson of Newport Beach, CA, bought the Goose and restored her to her present luxurious state. Gustafson has retained many John Wayne memorabilia aboard the Goose as a tribute to her former famous owner. Included are some paintings by Wayne's widow Pilar. The Goose is available for charter at Urban Desire Cruises. Other Wayne tributes include:The John Wayne Marina located near Sequim, WA, with land bequeathed by John Wayne. In Washington's Iron Horse State Park one can hike on the John Wayne Pioneer Trail.