He makes many recurring appearances but he also has comic storylines of his own. He originates from X-men however.
Ryan Reynolds
In the X men origins: Wolverine film; while the Wade Wilson character was preserved, the Deadpool character was "creatively engineered" for the film by twisting the story line to make Deadpool "Weapon XI". note: There was no actual "Weapon XI" character in any comics. Only a reference to the project itself :)
X-Men (2000)X2 (2003)X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)X-Men: First Class (2011)The Wolverine (2013)X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)Deadpool (2016)X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)Logan (2017)Deadpool 2 (2018)X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2018)The New Mutants (2019)
Deadpool's real name is Wade Wilson.
no x-men origins deadpool is a whole other movie then x-men origins
Ryan Reynolds
Yes, actually, he does!
which one? There's a magneto origins one coming out, a deadpool origins... and some others.
It has been confirmed that a Origins will be made focusing on the character Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds will be reprising the part.
In the X men origins: Wolverine film; while the Wade Wilson character was preserved, the Deadpool character was "creatively engineered" for the film by twisting the story line to make Deadpool "Weapon XI". note: There was no actual "Weapon XI" character in any comics. Only a reference to the project itself :)
You cannot unlock deadpool on any xmen origins wolverine game
their are rumours of their being a magneto origins and a wolverine origins number 2 but those are just rumours they might not be true . -There will be an X-Men First Class part 2 and at least one more X-Men Origins movie which will be starring Deadpool.