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Q: Did John Wayne and Dean Martin get along?
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Related questions

Is Dean Martin tall?

The consensus of opinion is that Dean Martin was 6' 1". If you watch Rio Bravo or any of Dean's appearances with John Wayne you can see that there was not much difference in their heights. John Wayne was 6' 4".

What movies have john Wayne and Dean Martin stared in?

Rio BravoThe Sons of Katie Elder

What was the name of the western with Angie Dickinson?

That would be Rio Bravo with John Wayne, Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson.

What actors appear in the movie Rio Bravo?

John Wayne, Dean Martin, Walter Brennan and a very young Ricky Nelson.

What was the John Wayne movie that Dean Martin was shot in butt with an arrow?

Martin and Wayne made two movies together. Rio Lobo (1959) and Sons of Katie Elder (1965). I can't remember Martin being shot with an arrow in either one of these films.

How much did James Dean weigh?

The consensus of opinion is that Dean Martin was 6' 1". If you watch Rio Bravo or any of Dean's appearances with John Wayne you can see that there was not much difference in their heights. John Wayne was 6' 4".

What movie did John Wayne and James Dean play in?

James Dean appeared in only four movies in his entire career, and none of them had any appearance of John Wayne.

What movie did James Wayne and James Dean play in?

James Dean appeared in only four movies in his entire career, and none of them had any appearance of John Wayne.

Who starred in the movie Rio Bravo?

John Wayne played the sheriff, Dean Martin and Walter Brennan his deputies, Angie Dickenson played the mysterious woman, and Ricky Nelson played the gunslinger.

What has the author John Chintala written?

John Chintala has written: 'Dean Martin' -- subject(s): Credits, Discography

What killed john Wayne?

Charles G. Martin (Murray the Bartender) shot John Wayne (John Bernard "J.B." Books) .

Did john Wayne and dean martin appear in you love Lucy together?

No they both appeared as guest stars on "The Lucy Show" in 1966 but not on the same episode. for a full list of celebrity guest stars with Lucy see the related link below