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Q: Did Cassadee Pope and Rian Dawson break up?
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Related questions

Are Rian Dawson and Cassadee Pope dating?

Yes they are

Who is Cassadee Pope dating?

She's dating Rian Dawson from All Time Low.

Who is cassadee pope boyfriend?

it is rumored to be Rian Dawson from All Time Low, at the moment.

Is cassadee pope dating alex deLeon?

No; neither of them are dating anyone right now. Cassadee and Alex DeLeon are just friends. No, Cassadee is dating Rian Dawson from All Time Low.

Who is rian dawson dating?

rian dawson is dating kara diakoulas. they have been dating for quite a long time now. they unfortunatly broke up... rumpr has it that he is now seeing Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday

Is rian dawson bisexual?

No he is dating Cassadee pope Lead singer of hey monday. Before her he was dating another girl named kara.

Are Rian Dawson and Kara Diakoulous still together?

no they are not. It seems that he's found himself in a relationship with Cassadee Pope, lead singer of Hey Monday.

Is Cassadee Pope lesbian?

There's no reason to think that she is. Right now she's believed to be dating All Time Low's drummer Rian Dawson, who is male.

Who has Cassadee Pope dated?

She is dating Rian from all time low

Is rian dawson married?

Yes, he dated a woman named Kara for like 4yrs however they broke up in November 09. He's now dating Cassadee Pope lead singer of Hey Monday and has been for at least 6 months. He is still dating Cassade Pope.

Are alex gaskarth and cassadee pope dating?

No, Alex is dating a girl named Lisa Ruocco. But Rian Dawson is dating Cassadee Pope, it is believed to be that he broke up with Kara sometime in November but no one is sure whether the two decided equally to split or if one dumped the other.

What is the birth name of Rian Dawson?

Rian Dawson's birth name is Robert Rian Dawson.