The cast of Total Aikido - 2001 includes: Aya Medel as Christy John Regala Jacky Woo as Yoshiyuki Gouda
Not possible since Lee died years before Seagal completed his Aikido training. However if you need a more or less informed opinion on the topic, for Aikido to work you have to catch the other guy's arm or leg first. As fast as Lee was.......yeah in a Seagal/Lee fight, through some time portal scenario, I don't see that happening.
Chuck Norris, Wesley Snipes, Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagull. Many do, but to name a few, Wesley Snipes. Chuck Norris. Steven Segal (Aikido)
She has no super powers, she is just highly trained in karate, judo, ninjutsu, aikido, savate, kung fu, boxing, marksman, great at interrogations, and accomplished ballerina. She is also a gymnast, aerialist and much more.
He is a 20 year police detcective in Louisiana but has a ranch in Colorado and a house in Mandeville canyon in brentwood in Los Angeles California he is one of my first favorites he always gets bashed on but every one I meet I convince them he's the real deal he has at least an 8th degree black belt in Aikido and was the first true non Asian to upon a dojo in japan check out his early stuff I have at least six films of his early work above the law hard to kill on deadlyground fire down below glimmer man exit wounds the forienger marked for death and have seen probably all his later films he beat van damme and Norris any day they just did shotokan karate and kickboking research his aikido style Aikikai Hombu affiliated Tenshin and his instructional demos from back in the late 80s on youtube he cracks major heads don't be hating him all other none practitioning martial artists out there unlike people who are martial artists like myself ask me other action or martial arts or movie questions ive got a big video library at home my id is Grimlok have a good one buddy
1931: first dojo is opened by Morehei Ueshiba (O-Sensei) Aiki-budo is taught. 1942-1952: Aikido is formally used and techniques are perfected. 1948: Aikikai Association is founded to promote Aikido. 1950-1970: Aikido is spread throughout the world.
Aikido is not an ancient art. It was founded in the 1920s by Morihei Ueshiba. It is off of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu. Aikido is often translated as"the Way of harmonious spirit."
The main school of Aikido is the classic aikikai-aikido developed by Morihei Ueshiba. There are few smaller schools developed by Ueshibas diciples. (but if you meant like whats the training place called then its the dojo
Dissemination of aikido actually represents a departure from the Founder's approach in favor of the use of the opponents speed and stgrengh to fight againts him. Aikido was achieved by the master Morihei Ueshiba. In Aikido, the dynamic sphere is the center where Dissemination of aikido became where the student uses the opp0ments movements to defeat it or them. It also means to win without damaging the other guy in the combat unlles it is necessary.
Nobody knows the exact age of how old Ueshiba was when he "created" Aikido. The term "Aikido" became the official name of the art in 1942 but was called Aikibudo prior to that time. Ueshiba was said to have developed the art in between the 1920's and 30's. That would put his age in the 30's to 40's. He was a very devout student of martial arts and took his time developing Aikido.
Aikido was created by Morihei Ueshiba using the techniques aikijujutsu. It is often translated as "The Peaceful Way." It is classified as a grappling art and focuses on using the energy of the individual to create a flow and redirect.
The exact date of when it was founded is not clearly known. Some will claim a specific date however nobody knows for sure. Generally, Morihei Ueshiba trained in martial arts for many years. Aikido and Ancient Japanese Jiu-Jitsu go almost hand in hand. Japanese Jiu-Jitsu is considered the Grandfather of Aikido. Many of the techniques involve manipulation of joints to move a bigger person without the use of strength. Aikido is believed to have been started in the 1920's and was developed further in the 1930's. Aikido was eventually spread to the rest of the world starting in the 1940's and 1950's by several of Ueshiba's students.
There are lots of legends like Mas Oyama [Karate Master, Full Blooded Japanese but born in Korea i think.] Kenji Midori [Karate Legend] Morihei Ueshiba [Founder of Aikido] Jigoro Kano [Founder of Judo] Gichin Funakoshi [Founder or Shotokan Karate] Well that's all i know for now.
This question is very complicated to answer because there is a philosophy side and the actual physical side to the art. Morihei Ueshiba created "Aikido" as we know it today. The concept "Aiki" has existed well before Ueshiba. Aiki is a pretty logical concept in the Martial Art World. Ueshiba was definatley a philosopher and he became very spiritual. Ueshiba has a few writings which could be ordered online or maybe a book store.Morihei Ushibo created aikido, don't know if that's spelt right though, and instead of being called Sensei Ushibo we call O'Sensei
Morehei Ueshiba
Aikido Techniques come from ancient Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. Jiu-Jitsu was and still is used in combat. The founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba wanted to make the techniques more flowing and less lethal. The goal of Aikido is to defeat your opponent without injury to you or the attacker. Most of the techniques in Aikido can be damaging and sometimes fatal because you are manipulating small joints in the human body to move an opponent without or nearly no strength at all. The goal is not to break bones or to kill however because you are manipulating smaller joints to move a bigger person, you can hurt them easily however it is not the goal of Aikido.