yes, joycelyn elders is still living today
Born 1952 and still alive today
Yes, Naoko Takeuchi is still alive today.
She is still an actress today
There are a number of places where one might go to purchase Swanson products. Swanson vitamins were first sold in 1969 via mail orders. Today one can purchase Swanson products on their own website or on Amazon.
yes it is still being used today.......depends where your at.
The Roman numeral system is still being used today because it is the numerical aspect of the Latin language which is still being used today.
Yes, trains are still being used today in large quantities.
Yes they are
how is the chartres cathedarl used today
They are still being studied by scholars.
Yes, its still being used for the many satellites out today.
Very little is fun about it. Today there are riverboats are on the river that have dinners and shows. That can be fun and there are casinos. People also still fish the river, but a lot of shipping moves along the river.
Yes, they are.