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Q: Yu-Gi-Oh banned list march 2010
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What are the banned Yugioh cards?

Forbidden/Limited Card List - March 2009 too bad you cant know your answer . :D Ignore the previous answer. It's total bull crap. Raigeki was banned because 1 single spell card is enough to wipe out the entire monster card on your opponent's field which is overpowered.

What are the most popular synchros?

Currently, the "staple" Synchro Monsters include:Stardust DragonRed Dragon ArchfiendBlack Rose Dragon (Limited under the March 2010 Forbidden/Limited Card List)Goyo Guardian (Limited under the March 2010 Forbidden/Limited Card List)Thought Ruler ArchfiendAlly of Justice CatastorAlly of Justice Decisive ArmorBrionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (Limited under the March 2010 Forbidden/Limited Card List)Mist WurmTrishula, Dragon of the Ice BarrierDark Strike Fighter (Banned under the March 2010 Forbidden/Limited Card List)Colossal FighterX-Saber Urbellum

What does pot of greed do?

Pot of GreedSPELL/NormalDraw two cards from your Deck.As of the March 2010 Forbidden/Limited Card List, Pot of Greed is currently banned from all official Duels and tournaments.

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Is Dark Hole banned?

Yes, Dark Hole is currently banned from official tournament play in Yu-Gi-Oh! It was placed on the Forbidden list in the TCG and OCG on March 15, 2021.

Can anybody provide a list of all cards for yugioh dotr?

I have know idea

How do you change the forbidden card list in yugioh tagforce 3?

download a new one

Are Monster Reborn the only banned card in Yu-Gi-Oh?

No it is not. Go to and in the search bar type in "Yu-Gi-Oh Ban List". The official site ( has a list that they link to on the front page. It is also much more up to date than the secondary lists on other websites.

Yu-Gi-Oh cards list a-z?

Try Yugioh Tag Force 3. Cannot guarantee that all cards will be there though. Yugioh Wikia is another option.

Is Pseudoephedrine on the Olympic banned drugs list?

no its not

What cards are in the Ancient Prophecy booster pack?

The list is fairly long, so here's a link to the list from the Yugioh Wikia: