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Q: You were doing a crossword puzzle with the clue gulf of?
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What is the the gulf of the Mediterranean called?

If you are looking for the crossword clue, try Oran or Sidra.

What is the most common gulf in crossword puzzles?


What are two gulfs near to the Middle East?

Gulf of Aden Gulf of Alaska Gulf of California Gulf of Carpentaria Oman Gulf of Fonseca Gulf of Guayaqui Gulf of Guinea Gulf of Chihli Gulf of Kotor Gulf of Mexico (the biggest gulf of the world) Gulf of Popua Gulf of Taranto Venezuela are the only ones I can think of. -Rifat Siddiqui Gulf of Tonkin

Peninsula between the gulf of boothia and foxe basin?

The Simpson Peninsula is located between the Gulf of Boothia and Foxe Basin in Nunavut, Canada. This remote and sparsely populated region is known for its rugged terrain, Arctic wildlife, and stunning landscapes.

On deck gazing at Iran with Saudi Arabia at your back?

Persian gulf

What was the oil tanker doing when it exploded in the Gulf of Mexico?

It was not an oil tanker, but a drilling platform.

What was the environment like during the gulf war?

It was very smoking because of the bombs that were doing off.

Name some Gulfs?

Gulf of Oman The Gulf Gulf of Cambay Gulf of Chihli Gulf of Thailand Gulf of Carpentaria Gulf of Tongking Gulf of Papua Itaurakia Gulf Gulf of st Vincent Gulf of Mexico Gulf of st Laurance Gulf of Panama Gulf or California Gulf of Penis Gulf of Fronseca Gulf of Chirqui Gulf of Nicoya Gulf of Mosquitos Gulf of Cupica Gulf of Hondoras Gulf of Venezuella Gulf of Daren Gulf of Tehuantepec Golfo San Matias Gulf of lions Gulf of Finland Gulf of masirah Gulf of adem Golfo de san jorge Gulf of sirte Gulf of Gabes Gulf of seuz Gulf of Bothnia Gulf of Aquba Gulf of Taganrog Gulf of Karkinitsky Gulf of Genoa Gulf of Antalya Gulf of Gascony Gulf of Tona Gizhiga Gulf Gulf of Anadya Gulf of Bothnia Pechora Gulf Gulf of ob Amuden Gulf

What are some gulfs in the world?

Here's some i found looking through a atlas: Gulf of Oman The Gulf Gulf of Cambay Gulf of Chihli Gulf of Thailand Gulf of Carpentaria Gulf of Tongking Gulf of Papua Itaurakia Gulf Gulf of st Vincent Gulf of Mexico Gulf of st Laurance Gulf of Panama Gulf or California Gulf of Penis Gulf of Fronseca Gulf of Chirqui Gulf of Nicoya Gulf of Mosquitos Gulf of Cupica Gulf of Hondoras Gulf of Venezuella Gulf of Daren Gulf of Tehuantepec Golfo San Matias Gulf of lions Gulf of Finland Gulf of masirah Gulf of adem Golfo de san jorge Gulf of sirte Gulf of Gabes Gulf of seuz Gulf of Bothnia Gulf of Aquba Gulf of Taganrog Gulf of Karkinitsky Gulf of Genoa Gulf of Antalya Gulf of Gascony Gulf of Tona Gizhiga Gulf Gulf of Anadya Gulf of Bothnia Pechora Gulf Gulf of ob Amuden Gulf -----------------

What are all of the gulfs?

Some of the major gulfs around the world include the Persian Gulf in the Middle East, the Gulf of Mexico in North America, the Gulf of Aden in the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Thailand in Southeast Asia.

What is the largest gulf in Europe?

The gulf of Mexico is the largest gulf in the world.Mediteranean sea i think

Gulfs in the world?

Gulf of Aden Gulf of Alaska Gulf of California Gulf of Carpentaria Oman Gulf of Fonseca Gulf of Guayaqui Gulf of Guinea Gulf of Chihli Gulf of Kotor Gulf of Mexico (the biggest gulf of the world) Gulf of Popua Gulf of Taranto Venezuela are the only ones I can think of. -Rifat Siddiqui Gulf of Tonkin