Scrub means something very very mean its not nice at all and shouldn't be said and who ever put this question NO im NT u r for puttin tht question up here being dumb
You have to scrub your Zum until it gets clean. That might take about 15-30 seconds. Scrub in a circular or zig-zag motion to get the quickest and best result.
its a creature in tfe legend of Zelda
if it has cracks on it use smooth peanut butter or tooth paste or if it has dirt on it scrub it of with a cloth
Five-letter words ending with B include: thumb, throb, plumb, crumb, climb, kebob, carob, scrub, squab, squib, rehab...
Climb, crumb, plumb, scrub, shrub, throb and thumb are words that end in the letter b. Absorb, adverb, prefab, suburb and superb are words that end in the letter b.
The future tense of "scrub" is "will scrub" or "is going to scrub."
scrub, scrub, scrub...
I/you/we/they scrub. He/she/it scrubs.
then take a towel put anti bacteria washers on it and scrub scrub scrub!
Coastal Sage Scrub
yes a scrub hare is a herbivore.
Scrub women.
The past tense of "scrub" is spelled "scrubbed."
yes a scrub hare is a herbivore.
Scrub Tanager was created in 1850.
I must scrub the clothes to get them clean.
The past tense of "scrub" is "scrubbed."