There are no two-letter words beginning with V. Sorry!
revolver, evolve, vivacious, vivisection, devolve
There are no recorded two (2) letter scrabble word that ends with V.
Some words that have two Vs are:conservativeconvivialconvulsivederivativeevocativeevolveinvectiveinventiveinvolveoverachieveroveractiveoverdriveoverviewpervasivereviverevolverevolversavvyskivviessubversivesurvivevalvevaudevillevivavivaciousvotivevulva
There are no two-letter English words that contain the letter "V".
There are no two-letter words beginning with V. Sorry!
revolver, evolve, vivacious, vivisection, devolve
There are no recorded two (2) letter scrabble word that ends with V.
Some words that have two Vs are:conservativeconvivialconvulsivederivativeevocativeevolveinvectiveinventiveinvolveoverachieveroveractiveoverdriveoverviewpervasivereviverevolverevolversavvyskivviessubversivesurvivevalvevaudevillevivavivaciousvotivevulva
Some two-letter words starting with "V" include: Ve Vin Vex
With V = 0 words. With Y = ya, ye, yo, ay, by, my, oy
Yes, there are many vvords with tvvo letter v's. Alternatively there are words like "valve".
Vivid is one example.
The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary does not include any two letter words that contain the letter V.
Some words that have two Vs are:aversivebivalveconservativeconvivialconvulsivederivativedivisiveevasiveevocativeevolveinnovativeinvasiveinventiveinvolveoverachieveroverdriveoverprotectiveovervaluepervasivereviverevolverevolversavvysubversivesurvivalsurvivorvalvevaudevillevegetativevelvetvindictivevivaciousvividvoiceovervotive