I can only think of compound words such as nightshade, wishbone, cashbox...
Mission, passion, pressure.
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Some words that start with D and end with SH are:Danishdashdemolishdevilishdiminishdishdistinguish
Some words that end with the letters 'sh' are:accomplishadmonishashbrashblushbanishbearishboorishblondishblemishblackishbrownishbullishburnishbrushcrashcherishclashcashdashembellishestablisheyelashfurnishfeverishfinishflourishfoolishflashflushfreshfurbishgarishgirlishghoulishhashhairbrushhushinrushkiddishknishlashmashmeshmushnourishnosholdishoffishposhpushparishperishpublishpolishpurplishquashrashrefurbishrefreshsashslashsmashstashsquishsuccotashsquashsquarishsqueamishskirmishskittishtarnishtoothbrushvarnishvanishwashwishuppish
Some examples of words that sound like "sh" are "sugar" and "sherbet." In the case of "tissue," the "ss" sound is pronounced differently than "sh" and does not have the same sound. "Pressure" also does not have the "sh" sound.
Sure! Here are some words that contain the "sh" sound: Ship Shoes Fish Brush
The "ch" makes a "sh" sound in words like chef or machine because it follows the rule of English pronunciation where "ch" can have a "sh" sound when it comes after an "e" or an "i." This pronunciation comes from the influence of French and other languages on English.
Special Facial Racial
the sh was represented by a horizontal rectangle, called a "garden pool" 
Some words with "ch" that sound like "sh" include "champagne," "chandelier," and "chaise."
shush crush blush lash
Mission, passion, pressure.
In English, the letters "ci" typically sound like "sh" when followed by an "i" or an "e." This pronunciation is common in words like "ocean" or "special."
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