Yes. Oe is allowed in Scrabble.
A real word is trekker, a slang word is likker.
The anagram words are "middle kingdom."
5 letter words with A in the middle:beachblandblankblastbrandchainclashclasscrankcrashdrainflankflashfrankglassgrandgrasshearthealsleavemeansmeatsnearspearlplantprankreachseatsteamstearstraintrashwearsyears
The Old English word for goad is "sticca," which referred to a stick used to prod or drive cattle.
talofa ia oe Oute Alofa Ia Te Oe. Yes, this is the correct answer, and oute should be two words: "Ou te alofa ia te oe".
Boer, does, goes, hoes, noes, poet, roes, toes, woes
Yes. Oe is allowed in Scrabble.
To, oe, et, voe, toe, vet, veto, vote
The only word i have in mind with NT in the middle is the word couNTed.
Some examples of words with short 'e' spelled 'oe' are: leopard, jeopardy, and foetus.
There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.There can be spaces between the words, but not in the middle of a word.
"Fa'apefea mai 'oe" translates to "How are you?"
No. Middle English is two words.