all words have vowels
Some three letter words that start with vowels are:aceampapearearkarmarteareatelfemueraergiceI'llimpinkinnionireirkit'soafoakoaroatofforeouroutughumpurnuse
Can it only consist of vowels? Many words have 5 vowels. Queueing has five in a row.
all words have vowels in them
Some words that have vowels in them are ;;Are In Some TimeRubber Pencil
Words without vowels are unpronounceable.
all words have vowels
Some three letter words that start with vowels are:aceampapearearkarmarteareatelfemueraergiceI'llimpinkinnionireirkit'soafoakoaroatofforeouroutughumpurnuse
English doesn't have 25 vowels.
Can it only consist of vowels? Many words have 5 vowels. Queueing has five in a row.
Without vowels, you can't pronounce the words. Try to pronounce frnc. It is furnace or franc without the vowels.
all words have vowels in them
There are many words with repeated vowels in the English language. Examples include "bookkeeper" and "zoology."
There are no words in the English language that have no vowels, other than non-standard words representing grunts.