Unorganized, Unauthorized, Unavailable, Unfortunately, Uncomfortable, Unbelieveable, Unsightly, Unexpected,
unprecedented, unsurpassed, unusual, unique, unforgettable, unpredictable
unfit & unable
Words starting with pre - (prefix):precursorprejudgepreludepremedpremixprenatalprenuptialpresortpresumepreteenWords beginning with pre, (not a prefix):preachpreenpresspressure
Archetypal, archeology
benefit benevolent beneficial
Some words that use the prefix 'un' are:unableunbelievableunconsciousundeniableunendingunfurledungainlyunholyunimaginableunjustunknownunlovedunmeritedunnoticedunownedunprovenunquietunrestunsinkableuntidyunusedunvariedunwantedunexplained (OK, so I cheated a little)unyieldingunzip
unbelievable, unusual, unnatural, uneven, unwarranted
Some words that start with the prefix "un" include: unhappy, unclear, untangle, and unbreakable. The prefix "un" is often used to indicate the opposite or absence of the root word, such as "unhappy" meaning not happy. It is a common prefix in the English language.
Words that start with the prefix holy include:holystoneholydayholytide
No, "un-" is a prefix that is added to words to indicate a negation or reversal of the word's meaning. "Unbelievable" is a word itself, formed by adding the prefix "un-" to "believable."
Words with the prefix -im:immaterialimmatureimmobileimmortalimpartialimperfectimpossibleimpracticalimproperWords with the prefix -in:inaccurateinactiveincalculableincapableincapacitateinconceivableindescribableindiscriminateindivisibleineffectiveingrowninvisibleinvoluntary
un is the prefix of familiar so there is no prefix for an already prefixed word
unfit & unable
Words that start with the prefix af:AfroAffairAfterAfghanAfoulAfraidAffordAforeAfootAffirm
Words starting with pre - (prefix):precursorprejudgepreludepremedpremixprenatalprenuptialpresortpresumepreteenWords beginning with pre, (not a prefix):preachpreenpresspressure
Some words that start with a short U sound are up, us, under, and umpire.