there are not many words that start with E that mean peace but i found equanimity on synonym.com
There are many words that start with "dis" in the English language. A quick search in a dictionary or a corpus of English words would provide an exact count. However, it is important to note that the number of words starting with "dis" may vary depending on the source and criteria used for inclusion.
Simply combine Disturb and interrupt, Disrupt. Yes it is a word.
The stem "dis-" means "apart" or "away" in words like disassemble (take apart), disconnect (separate), and disappear (vanish).
disappoint, disprove, disapprove, disable, disabilities, disadvantage, etc.
Some words with 'dis' prefix are:disasterdisbursediscarddisdaindiseasedisfavordisgustdisheartendisintegratedisjointeddislikedismaydisorganizeddisplaydisquietdisruptdissectdisturbdisuseddisyllabic
The prefix dis- in words like disappoint and disappear means "not" or "opposite of." It is used to indicate a negative or reversing meaning to the root word that follows it.
Dis- indicates negation, lack, reversal, as in distrust, disuse and dismantle, respectively.
prefix DIS .... dissect , disseminate , dissuade , disparage .
DNS stands for "Did Not Start", usually referring to an athlete who was missing from the start of a race.
Dis- indicates negation, lack, reversal, as in distrust, disuse and dismantle, respectively.
Dis means away