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They are called...onomatopoeia. These are words like slush, woof, burp.

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Q: Words that look like they sound?
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What are words that look like they sound called?

Words that look like they sound are called "onomatopoeia." These are words that imitate or suggest the sound that they describe, such as "buzz" or "splash."

What words look like ice but sound different?

Some words that look like "ice" but sound different include "idle," "iron," and "itch." These words share the same start but have different endings and pronunciations.

Eye rhyme refers to words that both sound alike and look alike?

No they look alike but sound differently. Like rhyming "tough" with "bough" or "laughter" with "daughter". Usually such words used to rhyme but pronounciations have changed the sound of one of the words, while spelling has remained constant. (E.g. "daughter" used to sound like "laughter")

What words have ce in them that sound like sh?

Words with Ce that sound like Sh:oceansebaceouscretaceouscurvaceouscarbonaceous

What words have the same vowel sound as look?

Words that have the same vowel sound as "look" include book, cook, took, shook, and brook.

What is Words that sound alike or look alike?

Words that sound alike or look alike are called homophones (e.g. to, two, too) and homographs (e.g. lead as in metal vs. lead as in guiding). These words can cause confusion in writing and speaking, so it's important to pay attention to their meanings and contexts.

What words sound like igloo?

Some words that sound like igloo:AccrueAdieuAdoAndrewAnewArgueAskewBambooBantuBayouBestrewBlewBlueBooBreakthroughBrewCanoeCashewChewClewClueConstrueContinueCooCorkscrewCrewCuckooCueCurfewDebutDewDoDrewDueEmuEnsueEweFewFlewFlueFluGlueGnuGooGrewGuruHaikuHairdoHebrewHeretoHewHinduHonoluluHoodooHorseshoeHueHughHullabalooImbueImpromptuIntoIssueKazooKnewKudzuLieuLuluMenuMewMildewMiscueMisdoMooMuumuuNephewNewOutdoOutgrewPewPoohPursueQueueRescueRueScrewShoeShooShrewSkewSlewSlueSpewStewStrewSubdueSueTabooTattooTheretoThrewThroughThumbscrewTissueToTooTributeTrueTwoUndueUntoUntrueVenueViewVoodooWaterlooWazooWheretoWhewWhoWithdrewWooYahooYewYouZebuZooZulu

Does rookie has the same vowel sound as look?

No, "rookie" has the vowel sound /ʊ/ as in "put", while "look" has the vowel sound /ʊ/ as in "book". The vowel sounds in the words "rookie" and "look" are not the same sound.

What are french words that sound like English called?

French words that sound like English are often referred to as "false friends" or "faux amis". These are words that look or sound similar in both languages but have different meanings. An example is the French word "pain" which means "bread" in English, not "pain" as in "suffering".

What words sound like net?

Some words that sound like "net" include pet, wet, and get.

Is their a word the same in English and in spanish like a place or a animal?

Some words look the same but sound different, like hotel. Is that what you meant?

What are words with l sound?

words like pencil with the "l" sound