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Q: Words that have the prefix centri?
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What are some words that have the root word centri?

idkkk..... buht i fell bahd for u who Eva ihz doinq this...shame on the teacher shame

What words start with centri mean center?

a, b, and i think, c

What words contain the root word centri?

I don't know them all, but one is centrifuge.

What begins with centri?


Are their words that have the prefix or?

Yes, there are words with the prefix "or." For example, "order," "organize," and "oracle" are some common words that contain the prefix "or."

What words start with the prefix im or in?

Words with the prefix -im:immaterialimmatureimmobileimmortalimpartialimperfectimpossibleimpracticalimproperWords with the prefix -in:inaccurateinactiveincalculableincapableincapacitateinconceivableindescribableindiscriminateindivisibleineffectiveingrowninvisibleinvoluntary

Does centri mean center?

Yes, the Latin centri- is the alternative combined form of the Latin centrum, meaning "center". It was coined in "Principia" by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687.

What is some words with the prefix of ag?

Words with the prefix ag:AgricultureAgeAghastAgentAgonizeAglowAgileAgapes

Dis prefix words?

Some words with 'dis' prefix are:disasterdisbursediscarddisdaindiseasedisfavordisgustdisheartendisintegratedisjointeddislikedismaydisorganizeddisplaydisquietdisruptdissectdisturbdisuseddisyllabic

What words that have the prefix en?

Some words with the prefix 'en' are:enableenamoredencapsulateenchantencyclopediaencodeendureenergyengageenhanceenigmaenjoinenjoyenlargeenlightenennobleenrollensembleensureenterpriseentertainentityentourageentranceenunciateenvelope

What are the 5 prefix in?

Words with the prefix in:inaccurateinfallibleinflexibleinsatiableinsincereintolerantinvaluable

What words start with the prefix holy?

Words that start with the prefix holy include:holystoneholydayholytide