

Best Answer

Crack, stack, stick, stock, shock, shack, brick...

alack, Alice, avec, batch, beach, bench, birch, black, block, botch, bunch, butcher, calcimine, cancer, carcass, cascade, catch, Chicago, cinch, Cincinnati, circuit, circumstance, circus, Cisco Kid, clack, clock, cluck, coach, concede, concert, conch, conciliate, coochie, couch, crackle, cracker, crick, cricket, crock, dance, dolce, dulcet, dunce, exact, falcate, fancy, farce, fence, fetch, filch, finch, flaccid, flack, flicker, flocculent, flock, fractal, fracture, freckle, frock, furcate, gauche, gaucho, Gitche Gumee, glace, gotcha, grace, grackle, gulch, hatch, hatchet, henchman, hooch, hoochie, hunch, hutch, junco, kerchief, ketch, knack, lance, Lancelot, larch, latch, leach, loach, louche, lunch, lynch, march, marchioness, masculine, match, mercantile, mercerize, merchant, mescaline, mince, miscarry, miscellaneous, miscellany, miscible, miscue, Mosca, Moscow, munch, nancy, natch, nonce, oracle, pancake, parcel, parcener, parch, patch, peacemaker, peach, pence, pencil, perch, piece, pincers, pinch, placate, place, placket, pluck, poach, porcelain, porch, porcine, practice, precedence, precept, precious, price, prickle, proceed, proctologist, proctor, procurator, quack, Quechua, quick, ranch, rancid, rancor, rascal, ratchet, raucous, reach, react, reaction, rescind, rescue, retch, roach, saccadic, satchel, seacoast, shack, shock, slack, smack, smock, snack, snuck, spackle, Spock, succor, succotash, succulent, suicide, teach, torch, touch, touche, trace, trachea, track, tract, tractor, trice, trickle, tricycle, truce, truck, truckle, vouch, watch, wench, whack, wince, winch, Winchester, witch, Worcester, wreck, zinc ....

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Q: Words that have c as the fourth letter?
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