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There are many words that end in ion. The list include oblivion, lotion, potion, motion, affirmation, competition, implication, notion, pinion, and action.

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Q: Words that end in ion
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What words or end with ion?


What part of speech is affection?

The word affection, like other words that end with -ion, is a noun. Other examples of nouns that end in -ion are vacation and function.

Words that end with -ion?

Combination Attrition Cation Anion Petition Lotion Motion Lion Construction Abduction Adduction Supination Pronation Concentration Illumination There are hundreds. These actually end with -tion endings except for lion. I was lookting for words that truly end in -ion like champion. The /i/ makes the /ee/ sound in an -ion ending.

What are some words that end in t that the suffix -ion can be added to?

invent-invention digest-digestion

What words end with the suffix ion not tion?

Some nouns that end with the suffix -sion are:abrasionconclusionconfusionderissiondiffusiondivisionemissionfissionfusionlesionmansionmissionomissionpassionpermissionremissionsessionvision

Is revolucion masculine or feminine?

All words that end in -ion in Spanish have an accent on the o in the singular (but not the plural) and are feminine.

When did Ion Storm end?

Ion Storm ended in 2005.

What rhymes with unconditionally?

I can think of superficially, transitionally, conditionally. Try putting ly on the end of -ion words. Additionally, traditionally, nutritionally,

The two common polyatomic ions whose names end in -ide are the cyanide ion and the ion?

The two common polyatomic ions whose names end in -ide are the cyanide ion (CN-) and the hydride ion (H-).

When did Editura Ion Creangă end?

Editura Ion Creangă ended in 2003.

Words ending with etion?

Discretion, Excretion, Accretion, Secretion, Bet ion, Get ion, Jet ion, Let ion, Met ion, Net ion, Pet ion, Set ion, Skeet ion, Vet ion, Wet ion.

When does the en d of a name of a negative ion end in ide?

if the negative ion is a single element, the end of its name changes to -ide